Chapter One

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>>Hope's POV<<

Hey, I'm Hope Jordan. My story is based on my fantasy life, but some of it came true, which creeped me out, but I was fine with it. So instead of blabbing around talking about how great my fantasy (imagination) was, instead I'm going to tell you the whole thing, from start to finish, every detail. So this is how my story started, well, my fantasy life started.

So here I am 8 year old Hope, just hoping that my parents would stop fighting, and the only thing I had to get me away from it was my imagination. I had a very active imagination when I was little, but I was never allowed to use it, my parents kept telling me to stop using my imagination and that it would get me nowhere in life. Sure that was true, it wouldn't but kids are allowed to have imaginations, I mean are 8 year olds going to get a job? Well, I guess it depends on your nationality or religion, I don't even know anymore. But anyways, one day my parents got into a huge fight, and I had no friends to go to, to be with. I got bullied in school. Nobody to support me, to help stop the bullying. So I was always in the office talking to the principle or councillor about it. But it never helped. So basically I get all this bullshit at home and school, parents didn't give a crap about what was happening at school, they just want me to study and have a good education, so I would have this "amazing" job where I get paid shit loads of money, and yeah yeah I know that would be amazing because of the money, but not if you're parents want you to do that just so they would get OVER half of the money. That was the only reason why they want me to have a great education. But anyways, I'm off topic... AGAIN!

So one day while my parents were fighting, I decided to use my imagination. I imagined that I had all these really amazing and cool powers where I could do pretty much anything. It was pretty damn cool. I imagined that I lived in a magicful castle, just me and my friends (I had no friends and I wanted friends... so don't judge). In my imagination I was about 18 I think, and I had everything that I wanted since I was eight and even things that I probably would want in the future. Imagination that my parents would end up coming into my room and see me pretty much staring at nothing and they thought I was dead or something, but when they noticed I was breathing they felt a little better but they would bring me to the hospital just to be sure nothing is wrong. When we get there and the doctor checks up on me, he simply says "She's alright; she was just in her imagination." But the first night my parents practically had a heart-attack they had no idea what the fuck was going on. So the doctor said "Do you two fight a lot?" My parents simply answered "Yes, all the time." Doctor- "She's trying to get away from that, by going into this "fantasy-land" to get away from you guys fighting". So after that night, my parents thought it would be a good idea for them to split up, and my mother and I moved to North Carolina. We changed our look, and we looked like country girls. At first I absolutely hated it, but then I started school and that's when my life turned into the better. I was maybe grade 9 when we moved. After my parents divorced we lived with my mom's parents until the end of grade 8, after grade 8 we moved, and I started grade 9 in North Carolina.

"Man, I love North Carolina" I told my friends, (I KNOW! I GOT FRIENDS INSTEAD OF PICKING ON ME!). I told my friends everything that happened. Once in a while I go back into my fantasy and there would be something new every time.

>>Sorry if it was a bit of a short chapter, this is a story I am just working on, it's going to be a novel, and I am hoping one day it will be published, but for now I thought maybe every chapter I finish I'll upload it.
So hope you enjoy <3

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