Chapter Sixteen

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>>Hope's POV<<

Thank god it was Friday night that I had the terrifying nightmare. I never knew someone could get a dream that could be that realistic, it felt so real, that it terrified me...

So the next day I called Kirsten and Vanessa and told them they absolutely had to come over and that I had something very important to tell them.

Once they got to my place, I told them to go outside, and that I would tell them outside.

"So what's the important news that you had to tell us?" Vanessa asked

"So last night I had a really realistic dream, and I had cancer in the dream. The first time I passed out, a couple of my drama friends went to your classes as well as Josh's so you could rush to the Theatre. And when you guys got to the theatre, you guys were freaking out and Josh held me and he was talking to me. He was telling how much he loved me, and how much he doesn't want me to leave. But later on, I died... and Josh didn't take it so well... he almost killed himself... but he's mom got to he's room just in time." I explained

Kirsten and Vanessa started crying.

"Hope! Where in the hell did you get that dream from?" Kirsten asked

"I don't know, I went to sleep last night, and I just had the dream. I woke up in tears! I was so terrified!" I said

"Well now I'm terrified! I hope you never EVER get cancer! I would hate seeing you and Josh not together anymore, and we would hate to lose you" Kirsten said

"I hate leaving you guys as well. So thank god it was just a dream" I said

"Hey, look your Romeo is outside, and he's coming this way" Vanessa said

"Howdy Kirsten, Vanessa. Howdy my Juliet" Josh said

"Howdy to you too my Romeo!" I said

Josh leaned for a kiss.

"Awe, look at the two love birds. You two are going to be together forever and ever." Kirsten said

"Hey Josh, I need to tell you what I dreamt about last night. But when I tell you please don't freak out." I said

"I promise" Josh said

I explained the dream to him. And just what I thought, he started crying.

"Why did you have this dream? Is it because you actually have cancer?" Josh asked

"No don't worry, I'm completely healthy. I promise, if I did have cancer I promise I would get all you together so I could tell you guys together" I said

"If you ever had cancer I would never leave your side. I would be with 24 seven. Spend every second of the day with you" Josh said

"Awe, thank you Josh." I said hugging him

"Hey, do you guys want to go to the mall? Get coffee, go shopping?" Kirsten asked

"Sure I'm up for that" I said while Vanessa agreed

"I'll come with you guys" Josh said putting he's arm around me.

We saddled up the horses, and Josh wanted me to ride with him, so I hopped on the back of he's horse and I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

Once we got there Josh got off first, and helped me off.

"Wow, it's been a while since we've been here, we should come here more often" I said

"Yeah, we should." Kirsten said

"It could be our hang out for every weekend, or we could hang out in Hope's yard every weekend" Vanessa said

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