Entering the Fold

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     At first he was just a dream, a shadow that haunted my nights and tormented my days. That was until I was sent to the front lines of the Shadow Fold. It was here I was reunited with my friends from training two kids, (for that's what we still were back then) that like me would always be judged for the fact that both our parents weren't from the same place. There was Mal, who was a tracker like me, and who was currently the first armies entertainment for the afternoon has he was going a round with a fellow soldier in the makeshift boxing circle. Though it was short lived as Mal used his famously hard head to knock his opponent flat on his back. With cheers from the crowd gathered around, including myself that was when a new challenger made themselves know. 

Turning to the side stood an Etherealki from the first army, but not just any Etherealki, but a Squaller. "I'll take a turn!", he shouted out towards Mal, as he was making his way towards me. Turning his head the Squaller continued, "How about it? Just you and me?" After he spoke he flick his wrist causing a gust of wind and sand to shoot up towards the rest of us. Never one to be disrespected Mal began to make his way forward as I reached out and grabbed his wrist while whispering in his ear. "If you lose, you'll be in the medika. If you win, they'll throw you in the brig. And I don't think that's where you want to end up, especially today." "Shut it down boys! Shut it down!", shouted an older soldier. But Mal couldn't leave without making a comment saying, "You try me without that magic, huh?" "It's just air. Come on! Anyone!", shouted the Squaller trying to get someone to take the bait. Turning Mal around I handed him is belongings as we made our way outside of the tent. "I heard that the cartographer's assistants have already arrived. Maybe if you lucky you'll find your little "friend" before she's put to work." I said with a playful push of his shoulder as I pointed in the direction of the other third to our party. With a smile and a little hop in his step Mal put on his shirt as he called out, "Alina!" Without hesitation she turned with a smile of her own has she looked at Mal.

Making our way towards her, she asked, "When did you two get in?" "Yesterday. Everyone's getting their assignments.", I replied giving her a smile of my own. "Suppose cartography's heading back south.", said Alina. "Yeah. I found out 'cause they're putting with yours again.", Mal replied. "They're supposedly looking for a way through the mountains, they think it's the best shot we'll have in this damn war." I added with the roll of my eyes. "So then the three misfits are back together again?", asked Alina with a smile. "They can't keep best friends apart for too long.", answered Mal has he wrapped his arms around both Alina and I. "Aww it sounds has if you actually miss being the only boy in the group.", I teased. "Nah, it's just easier to have two people take the fall for my petty crimes, instead of the one that's all. Besides I do know you won't miss being the only girl in the group." "Saint's know that's true!", I replied with a laugh and a shake of my head. "Oh, they moved our tent by the way. It's down the other end now." "There are so many first army here. We look like a halfway house, accepting donations.", added Alina. "Actually, I won't be accepting any donations because I won this betting on a fight.", Mal said has he held up a wad of kruge cash. "First you betted on a fight that you fought in so I would hope that you would win, Second, what are you going to do with foreign money?", I asked with the arch of a brow, as Alina added. "Yeah, we're not Ketterdam." "Ahh, now ladies don't crush my dreams just yet." "Again! Inferni!", shouted a voice as we came to a stop. Across the way we watched has the Etherealki were practicing with their abilities. "This is why our tents got moved. The Grisha wanted more space." said, Mal answering Alina's unasked question. "A bunch of showoffs, they're always picking on us when their General isn't around.", Mal continued. "So it's just like home then.", Alina added with a chuckle. "Pretty much, except I don't think Mal here minds all of the Grisha. Isn't that right Mal?", I added with a tease. "Hey, I'm not going to comment on that. And it wasn't all bad. We learned some good life lessons back then." "Really? Feel like sharing with the class?" "One, don't cry in public.", Mal replied. "Hide your emotional breakdown for when you're alone. Obviously." commented Alina. "Two, always carry a weapon on you.", she also added. To which Mal and I agreed. "And what's the third? I can't seem to remember it, though I do know there is a third." Mal said with a smile. "That's new.", said Alina has she looked to the side seeing, the new design of the ship that would take us into the Fold. "Brand-new. Grisha call it ultralight. Made by their own Fabrikators. It's supposed to be faster." "What happened to the last one?", Alina asked. Mal and I shared a look then before looking back at Alina. "It never came back." I answered. 

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