Meeting the Dark General

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When I reopened my eyes, Mal and Alina lay in front of me both still unconscious I thought. That was until I saw Mal look towards Alina has he reached his hand out to grasp hers' but before he could reach her, he was lifted up by the medic team of the first army. With Mal being taken off of the skiff, I tried to make my way towards Alina when Zoya; a Grisha Squaller call out for a Healer. Soon I heard the voice of another girls voice asking how many more there were. When Zoya responded with, "Ten, maybe twelve. But I need you to tend to her first." Thinking she was referring to Alina I stopped my movements when I felt the Healer grab onto my arms causing me to turn over onto my back. Once on my back I let out a groan, has the Healer spoke, "Careful. You've dislocated your shoulder and fractured your collarbone." Trying to move her away I said, "No. What about her?" pointing at Alina. "And the other tracker; Mal where are you taking him." "First Army goes to medical." With small movements of her hands I hear, along with feel my shoulder and my collarbone going back into place. Letting out a sigh of relief Zoya spoke up again. "Bring her to the general's tent." "But, I'm not done yet.", replied the healer. Looking up to Zoya, who looked annoyed by the response said, "You can go with her." The Healer then looked back to me has I asked, "Why do I need to be taken to the general? I didn't do anything wrong." Shaking her head the Healer simply helped me to my feet and assisted me off of the skiff, where I was met with two guards wearing grey uniforms with a red trim. They removed my jacket, then each grabbed one of my arms has they lead me to a larger black tent. Walking towards the entrance stood a number of Grisha soldiers, who all looked at me as if they couldn't believe I was real, much less there. To be honest I couldn't believe I was here either, a simple First Army soldier being taken to the great Grisha general.

Once inside the tent, there stood even more Grisha soldiers and a tall man in all black standing at the other side with his back to me. Before I got the change to look around the tent the man spoke, "Bring her closer." At that my two guards pushed me forwards before releasing my arms. Now free of their grasp I began to look around the tent at all of the Grisha, who were starring at me. Has my eyes continued to scan the room I look back towards the man I gathered by now must be the general, and not just any general, but General Kirigan. Looking at him, he began to turn around and look at me has I was already looking at him. With him now facing me completely I took in his features; dark hair, dark eyes, with a dark beard as well has a handsome face. He was made up of everything that said dark and mysterious, but his eyes those dark yet piercing eye said so much more. His stare felt so familiar, yet I know I've never met the general before. Has I was trying to place the look in his eyes along with their odd familiarity he spoke again. "Closer.", he said softly has I took two small steps forward. Looking me up and down he spoke again, "Well?" "Well what, Sir?", I replied. "What are  you?" That's an odd question to ask, I thought to myself before saying, "Tatyana Sovetskaya, Tracker, Royal Corps of Surveyors. They're all gone." The last part I said more to myself then to the general has my brain began to scan my memories of the events that happened inside the fold. My mind then raced back to Mal and Alina which caused me to utter out, "It's my fault, isn't it? That's why I'm here?" With a rise of his finger the General said, "Answer the question. What are you?" "A tracker, Sir.", I replied confused at how he didn't get that from my first introduction. At my response the other people in the room laughed. Without missing a beat or taking his eyes off of me the General simply said, "Quiet." The room grew quiet again has the General spoke again only this time addressing the room instead of me. "So who actually saw what happened? Zoya? You manned the mail sail." 

Looking towards Zoya she answered, "We were attacked barely two markers in. Someone lit a lantern." "And?", the General prompted. "The Volcra went after the riflemen and our Inferni first. And then there was a searing light." Has Zoya spoke I saw all the events playing out again in my head. The scarred cartographer lighting the lantern, the Volcra attacking everyone. Mal almost being lifted off of the skiff, shooting the Volcra and watching Mal and Alina whispering things to each other has another Volcra went to attack Alina. The surge of energy and power I felt in that moment has I jumped onto the creatures back, and then the..... "It was her.", I heard another voice say interrupting my thoughts. Looking back towards the  General, I found his eyes already on me. "Our tracker.", he said without missing a beat. "Is this true? Can you summon light?", he questioned. Not trusting my own voice I just shook my head no. The General shook his head along with me before asking, "Where did you grow up?" "The outskirts of Os Alta, before my parents died." Nodding his head the General then asked, "And when were you tested?" At that question I lowered my gaze has he continued speaking. "You don't remember? Well, let us just make certain." Has the General spoke he made his way towards and he never broke eye contact, not even when he a ring from his right pinky finger and slide it onto his thumb. Now has he stood in front of me, his dark eyes seem to be searching mine has he said, "Lift up your sleeve." It was then I felt the air change in the tent and shadows starting to appear and a weird sense of familiarity, that was overwhelming me. "What's happening?", I questioned has I continued to look around the room. "Your sleeve. Please.", said the General drawing my attention back to his dark eyes which locked me in place. Taking a breath I rolled my right sleeve up revealing my wrist to him. 

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