Chapter 1 "how it started"

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Hello! My name's Destiny Marie. And this is my story... Awe it's a gi-... And that's when they knew something was wrong. The nurse forced a smile on her face and handed me to my mother, Kristina Marie. Mom looked right at me and started to cry. She handed me to my Father, Dexter   Marie. My Dad smiled at my face and said no matter what I'm still his beautiful baby girl. From that day on, Dad loved me like there was no tomorrow. But on the other hand, Mom couldn't handle the way i looked.. that's why my left eye was brown and my right eye was a baby blue no one knows how this happened since both my parents have brown eyes. But Mom stilled loved dad so she stayed with him until my twelfth birthday.. Dad had just gone out of work and mom asked if he could by me more cups for the party but dad never made it. About fifteen minutes later we had gotten informed that dad had gotten into a car accident and when the Ambulance arrived it was to late...

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