The adventure begins

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The next morning , the Thea Sisters had an appointment with Kiki and Dylan , whom they had to accompany on the set set up in the academy , in order to be able to attend the rehearsals prior to the first clap . Each of the girls had prepared , in the way that suited her best , to fully enjoy this great adventure . Colette had styled herself to relax ; Nicky had gone for an invigorating jogging , Pamela had allowed herself a double breakfast , and Paulina had taken a long relaxing walk . The only one left to go to bed was.

Nicky : Violet !

Nicky entered her friend's room , she discovers that she was still under the covers . Violet jumped up from the bed .

Violet : I'm up ! I'm ready , let's go !

Nicky : Are you sure you're ready ?

Violet : Yes ! I'm ready-*glanced in the mirror* Uh...I should probably get dressed first .

The other four Thea Sisters waited for her , along with Kiki and Dylan , in front of Colette and Pamela's room .

Kiki : Today you can watch the stuntmouse practice .

Nicky : Cool ! I'll be amazing to watch him at work .

Colette : Sorry , but what is the stuntmouse ?

Dylan : The stuntmouse is an athlete who stands in for the star during complicated and sometimes dangerous scenes .

Finally , Violet joins them .

Nicky : Let's move ! I don't want to miss the shoot !

At that moment a door opened at the end of the hall , from which Connie emerged . The young mouselet does not notice the presence of Dylan , Kiki and the Thea Sisters and walks away without greeting them . Alone , Dylan had seen her , and his eyes stayed focused on her . Then he turns to the girls .

Dylan : I'm sorry...I don't want to go to the set anymore .

Kiki : What do you mean , you don't want to go anymore ? Did something happen ? Why did you change your mind ?

Dylan : I just remembered that I have an appointment .

Stunned , the Thea Sisters and Kiki watch Dylan go .

Pamela : What's up with him ?

Kiki : He'll catch up with us later . Come on , let's go .

A few days before Kiki and Dylan arrived , the props and stagehands had been working non-stop to get everything ready for the start of filming . At the foot of the North Tower there was a lot of commotion , but at the same time everything seemed perfectly organized . Charlie Cinerat and the director of photography crisscrossed the garden in search of the best framing , the decorator finished polishing the sets , finally , the costume designers and make-up artists brought the final touch to the look of the actors . As the Thea Sisters looked around in wonder , Kiki kept waving at the people on the team .

Colette : You have a lot of friends here .

Kiki : That's right ! I'm just crazy about all the rodents who work with us . We spend so much time together , we're like a big family .

And this family was ready to welcome newcomers with open arms . Very quickly , the Thea Sisters indeed managed to approach the activities that interested them the most . Colette made the acquaintance of Jeannette , the costume designer , and both got along from the first glance . It suffices that Colette , arming herself with courage and dominating the fear of saying something stupid , expresses an opinion on the dress that Jeannette was finishing so that they discover each other in perfect harmony . In a very short time , Pam , for her part , managed to gain the trust of Phil , the production designer , to whom she almost became his assistant . As for Paulina , she learned from observing the special effects technicians that the fundamental ingredients to making a breathtaking film are a computer and a good dose of fantasy . Violet , finally , met Peter and discovered a trade she did not know , that of the noise maker . It was in fact Peter who was in charge of adding or removing sounds from the scenes shot . Mae , alias Europa , dressing like people from Earth , had mingled with the team , she had even followed the shoot all this time with emotion and she had hired as Jeannette's assistant . While waiting for the filming to begin with the stuntman , Nicky had stayed with Kiki to help her review some of her lines .

Nicky : You're so good , Kiki ! I'd love to have talent like yours !

Kiki : Talent is important , but you really need commitment if you want to learn to do something well .

Just before shoot began , the Thea Sisters gathered around Kiki . She wanted to give them a summary of the novel from which the film was inspired , so that the five friends could perceive the full intensity of the scene she was about to play .

Kiki : Two Mice in the Moonlight is the last installment in a trilogy . The books tell the love story between Victor and Summer , two youngs rodents who grew in a small town in the country . At first , they seem very different from each other....Summer has a sunny personality , while Victor is very quiet and mysterious . The scene the stuntmouse is rehearsing is a key moment in the story . Victor leaps from a tower to save Summer . When he leaps , she realizes he has magic powers .

Colette : It's to romantic !

Charlie : We're ready ! Let's try the leaping scene !

The five friends ran to the center of the set so as to enjoy the spectacle as closely as possible . But on the way ...

Violet : Hey , what's that ?

Violet pointed to oil spots on the grass at the base of the North Tower . Paulina , who was standing next to her , looked around carefully to find the source of the axle .

Paulina : It's from the axle that holds the cables the stuntmouse will be hooked up to ! It must be worn out . There's a good chance it will break , and the stuntmouse will fall !

Violet and Paulina join the other Thea Sisters .

Paulina : There the oil spots on the grass ! The cables must be worn out !

Violet : If we don't act right now , the stuntmouse will hurt !

Nicky : What ?

Colette : We have to warn the stuntmouse right away !

Pamela : He's already going up the tower ! We'll never make it in time !

The Thea Sisters scanned the surroundings , so too late to get help .

Colette : I've got it ! Pam , you see those bags full of leaves over there ? You could-

Pamela : Move them to cushion his fall !

Colette : Exactly !

Immediately tackling the task , even without transforming , or with the help of Nicky , Pamela managed to pull the heavy masses alone with her Herculean strength , while Violet , Colette and Paulina sought to warn Charlie of the danger run by the stuntmouse . But , before they did , he darted into the void . Frightened , Colette closed her eyes , Paulina did the same and she began to pray at the same time in Spanish , while Violet continued to watch , holding her breath .

Charlie : The axle is cracking !

It was then that , under the eyes of the whole team , the stuntmouse dived and sank providentially into the bags of leaves .

Violet : Yes !

Colette opened one eye , then the other .

Colette : Yay !

Paulina : Thank God...

Hurried to the scene of the accident .

Charlie : Mouselets , I don't know what is just happened , but it's all because of you that nobody got hurt . So for thank you , I'd really let you all five the all access passes to the set .

The five friends couldn't believe their ears . A few meters from them , Mae (Europa) heard everything , seeing the Thea Sisters who are dragging themselves into the film set makes the young Jupiterian woman angry .

Europa : « What !? No way ! That's not fair ! Europa don't like this ! »

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