Chapter 7

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Tyler's POV

“What about these?” I asked holding up a pair of white pants that zipped at the knee. The fabric was a strange canvas-like material. Tarp maybe?

Korey gave me an incredulous look. “I hope you’re joking. Where did you even get those pants? Baby gap?”

Ouch! Literally could he be any more offensive? These pants were cute. I shot him my best death glare. “Rude! That’s such a hate crime.”

“Why do you care so much anyway? I thought you were only going to the party for ‘work’.” Korey drew quotation marks in the air around the word work, his tone clearly insinuating that he considered my explanation absolute bullshit.

I sighed and flopped back onto my bed dramatically. To be honest I wasn’t even entirely convinced of my own motives anymore. The truth was hanging out with Troye was fun and I liked being around him. He was captivating and charming even though his moods were temperamental as fuck. One moment he would be happily teasing me then the next he would clam up without any real discernible reason.

I had thought after that wholly unexpected yet quietly beautfiul kiss that I had at least won his trust. At least it seemed that way at the time. He made it clear earlier though that that was not the case. If I was going to get him to lower his defences and let me in, it was going to take a lot of work. A steady process of chipping away at the wall of ice he had encased himself in.

“You do realize don’t you that this is a massive scoop?” Korey interrupted my thoughts throwing himself onto the bed next to me with a huff. “Most journalists would kill to see what really happens at an infamous Caspar Lee party.” Honestly, he sounded a little envious.

To be honest the more time I was spending with Troye the more and more I seemed to be forgetting the true purpose of our time together. How was I ever going to begin to write an article about the enigma that was Troye Sivan? I wondered idly if anyone would even buy the real Troye. The Troye who was funny yet thoughtful; sassy yet considerate, cheeky but strangely profound.

“What did you do to get an invite anyway?” He asked innuendo colouring his tone and wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. It was clear what he was trying to imply.

I gave him my best done with him look. “Can you absolutely not? You’re disgusting.”

As I lay there I wondered whether it was worth sharing my thoughts with Korey. I decided it wouldn’t hurt to get an outside perspective.

“Actually, Troye isn’t at all like I thought he would be.” I considered my words carefully. “He can actually be quite sweet when he wants to be and we have the same sense of humour. I mean he can be a cocky little shit when he wants to be, but he seems like a genuinely nice guy.”

I risked a glance at Korey seeing him looking at me with a dubious expression. “This is the same guy that has probably slept with half the gay population of Hollywood? The same guy who regularly gets into fights with the paparazzi? That last year was arrested for public indecency?”

I had to bite back a smile as I thought about that last point. Troye had enlightened me with the whole story of that last incident yesterday. Suffice to say it had involved Caspar Lee and an ill-advised game of truth or dare.

When I snapped out of my thoughts I found Korey propped up on an elbow studying my face searchingly.

“You like him.” Korey continued accusingly.

“No I don’t.” I denied quickly. “At least not like that. I mean obviously he’s gorgeous and everything, but that doesn’t mean…” I trailed off. I wasn’t even convincing myself never mind anyone else.

Beyond the lights - Troyler AUWhere stories live. Discover now