•|Onesie.. Rave..?|•

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A/N: Heyo. So- this story is pretty much dead now.. but I still wanna update! I had a lot of fun last time, and I'd like to continue it. I hope there are some people out there that also like the story.

Hinata's P.O.V

The day was coming close to an end and we still hadn't done much. Coach Ukai told us that before we could relax and hang out with class 1A, we had to set up out dorms. But there wasn't much to set up... I guess it was mainly for class 1A...

Coach Ukai had already given all of us out dorm keys, but we only had one for each dorm. So kageyama and would have to share...

In their dorms? Hinata's P.O.V

"I'm gonna keep hold of the keys 'coz you'll loose them." Said Hinata as he jangled the keys infront of kageyama.

"No way! You'll loose them! Give them here!" Argued kageyama as he snatched the key from Hinata's hand.

"Wha- hey!!" Hinata pouted and launched at kageyama, making them both fall to the shiny wooden floor of their new dorm.

"Give 'em back! You can't be trusted with such an important thing, idiot!" Yelled hinata as he sat on top of Kageyama.

"Oh yeah? Remember the time I let you borrow my shirt and you lost it?!" Kageyama screamed as he tried to push hinata off.

"I didn't lose it! I still have it!" Hinata explained very loudly.

Before kageyama could spit something back the dorm door slammed open with a bang. Nishinoya was standing there with a shy looking Asahi standing behind him.

"HEY GUYS COME DOWN STAIRS THE GIRLS ORGANIZED A--" Nishinoya stopped abruptly and blushed slightly.

"Getting funky?" Said nishinoya as he wriggled his eyebrows.

The two boys on the floor looked at eachother with a confused expression.

"Noya don't just say that!!" Yelled Asahi with a bright red face. "Sorry guys.."

"Anyway, the girls from our group and class 1A organized a pajama party. But they called it a onesie rave. There's onesie it the common room down stairs. The elevators just down the hall on the left. So come down when you're finished." Nishinoya didn't give the boys any time to say anything and just like the way he came in, he slammed the door shut.

The boys just looked at eachother in utter confusion. Neither of them understood what had just happened.

"Soooo...." Hinata trailed. "A onesie party? Sounds fun. Wanna go now?"

The Setter nodded and hinata got off of him. They both stood up and made their way to the common room. Completely forgetting about the previous argument for the dorm key.

They elevator and went to the 1st floor. It took them a minute but they found a big wooden door with a sign above it that wrote. 'Common Room'.

Directly next to the door sat a big cardboard box that was filled to the brim with what looked like onesies.

Both the boys looked at eachother, then at the box, then at eachother again. Suddenly they both smirked and started racing for the box while pushing and shoving eachother along the way. They were fighting over who would get the first pick.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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