~The Life I'd Give You~

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It's been dark, cloudy and pouring. To worsen my mood, Tristan snuck off again with Lance. They aren't kids anymore so I won't be following them around.

It's been a couple of days since I last saw you.. the fire in your eyes reminded me of why I fell for you. You demanded I let you in on my plans but you also demand that I don't kill her.

Elizabeth I've been arguing with myself about this.

Your ways have never failed me before but this seems unfair to me. What other way will I find to stop her from abusing that power she's got?

"Meliodas?" I paused from my writing once I heard Elizabeth at the door. (Pic up top is what I envision her in)

"Yo. I didn't think I'd see you again this week." I mention first thing. "This is my week at the Academy.. it'll be the best time to fill me in on your plans." She stated, trailing off briefly.

"You alright?" Leaning back into my chair I offer her the empty seat across from me. Accepting the invitation she sits herself down and continues. "I'm not sure.. I should be talking to you about this of all people but.. Mael and I got into an argument."

Here we go.

"Oh? What about?" I press on the already touchy topic. "I just feel like he was made to love me.. like mom snapped her fingers and told him to court me. He's the perfect guy but he's missing something. It doesn't feel real to me and I want it to be.. so I told him about it and he thought I was crazy." Ellie sighed, her eyes deepening in sadness.

I stood, walked around the desk and sat on top of it. Right in front of her. I lifted her chin up gently with my thumb and index finger so I could see her beautiful ocean eyes. "You were made to go on the adventures of your lifetime. You deserve to feel real.." I moved in closer to her face, dragging the hair in her face behind her ear gently. "Raw love.. the kind that makes you do anything for them."

Her cheeks began to redden. "You speak as if you've found the love of your life" Elizabeth's voice sounded so much more fragile than I've ever heard. "I might just be looking at her" I muttered... but something told me she understood.

"Thank you." She forced a smile on once again. That facade I can't stand to watch her put up anymore.

"Anytime" I smiled at her and back away to give my lady some space to think of me.

"Have you thought of anything yet?" She questions after a long pause. "No" I answer honestly.

"I've gotta look into it more.." My eyes connected with hers. "I can help" Elizabeth smirked, knowing I can't say no.

"Don't you have lessons ?" I questioned Ellie. "I'm ahead in all of my classes" she smiles widely, sitting straight and prideful. "You got ahead to be up my ass?" I quizzed once more.

"N-No." she muttered.

of course she's lying.

"Fine. Meet me here whenever you have a moment to slip away. Make sure no one sees you though alright ? I'm not a welcomed name in the goddess kingdom." I need to make sure she knows enough to not mention me..Elizabeth cares about me too much to not give away my secret.

"Of course. I've done my research.. Sir Meliodas." Her eyes widened.

I smiled at her. "Hey get some rest.."

"Sure.. I'll see you again soon Meliodas." Ellie corrected herself. "Goodnight, Elizabeth."

Now what am I going to do.


"Captain have you looked into that research at all?" Merlin rudely interrupted my ale drinking. "No. Elizabeth's pressuring me to find a different way to kill- uh... punish? The Deity." I replied honestly. No sense lying to her when she always finds out anyways.

"Ah well, if you did you would have discovered something about your son." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "My son?" I questioned.

"His mother's blood came in handy."

That woman has been using Elizabeth's blood?

"What did you find out." I demanded to know. "I had Diane bring that bag of blood to my lab and did some tests on it. It is the blood of a celestial. My theory is, the Deity's been using The Princess' blood as enhancement for the children. Seeing how they react and essentially raising an army of hybrids"


"I did my own tests on it. Did some more research on all that we knew about Eliza. She used to let Gowther interview her as well so that came in handy. Captain, I believe I can teach Tristan a sacred technique that could take the Deity's power from her" Merlin concluded.

I figure her brain is on overload right about now. She's been doing nothing but taking in information and research since we found out about that place. "We'll talk to him. If you're certain." I replied.

This may prove to be worse for her. Killing her would be mercy.

"I'll set up the lesson plan then." She replied as Escanor appeared to steal her away for a dance.

Peace once more.

I grabbed a refill and took a seat, propping my feet up. "Hey dad?" A voice I'm always happy to hear. "Where were you?" I question him off the bat. "Lance and I went to train for the day. A few trainees ran into us at the training grounds we made and asked us to teach them" he explained.

"Trainees?" I ask curiously. "Holy knights in training.." Tristan replied genuinely. "Watch yourself. There's a lot of people after you right now. That blood running through your veins is special. But I'm also proud to hear you're training them too.. so you get a freebie this time." I reply quite annoyed at how good he's gotten.

"You we're gonna ask something before I interrupted" I remind him as he retraced his last thoughts. "Oh right, I was hoping to go back tomorrow, and the rest of the week to train them" Tristan stared at me with his eager heterochromatic eyes.

"Actually.. there's something Merlin has to train you for, talk to her about the mornings and them about the afternoons. I need to get closer to Ellie... so she's gonna be around a lot more." I make sure to mention.

"Whatever brings mom back" is all he managed to say on the topic. "I'm gonna go tell Lance" he said before making a dash in his direction.

Crazy how fast he's growing. Next will be an opinion on his new girlfriend.  You would love this..

I'll be with you again soon.. Eliza.



Helloooo again!! A happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there!

I will be bringing in another chapter soon, got a lotta inspiration 🥰 make sure to sound off in the comments!

Toodles !

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