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it was around 9 am,i opened my eyes and i realized that i wasn't in my room or lena's room. but the room was very recognizable to me. then i realized. oh fuck. im in mattias room. i turned to the side and saw mattia sleeping right next to me
me: "mattia wake up" i said slapping his shoulders
mattia:"what" he said mumbling
me: "mattia wake tf up, what am i doing here"
mattia:"what the fuck do you want" he said turning to face me
me: "why am i here, what is happening?" i said worried
mattia:"we had sex, alejandro is at lena's and i decied to bring you to my house, clear now?"
me: "ik about sex, but why did you bring me here?"
mattia: "omg i was worried about you okay? now let me sleep"
me: "i don't want to sleep"
mattia: "then im gonna fuck you"
me: "no"
mattia: "im kidding"
me: "well its not funny"
mattia: " you always have to act like a brat"
me: "oh sorry always right"
mattia: "ok" he said turning to the side
me: "ok be mad then"
he didn't said nothing, we fell asleep again. i woke up and saw that mattia is gone. i checked the bathroom and he wasn't there. bitch. i got dressed. i checked the bathroom, he wasnt there. i decided to go upstairs. i saw him, he was making breakfast. wtf.
me: "hey"
mattia: "hi" he said akwardly
me: "what are you making?"
mattia: "eggs and bacon, are you blind?
me: "i just asked a simple question,why are you rude"
mattia: "im not"
me: "ok"
mattia: "hey um y/n im sorry for being rude earlier" he said playing with his hair
me: "its okay" i said smiling
he walked up to me, he was much taller than me, he lifted my chin up, we were making eye contact, ugh so hot
mattia: "what are we now"
me: "idk"

mattias pov:
y/n: "idk"
me: "im not in love with you, i just find you attractive and hot" i lied, im falling for her so bad
y/n: "okay so?"
me: "so um fwb?"
y/n: "im gonna think about that"
me: "but-"
y/n: "no buts, im gonna tell you in a few days"
me: "okay"
y/n: "or when i decide"
me: "ok"

we ate, and alejandro and lena came to my house.
ale: "oh look love birds right here" he said walking into  house"
me and yn: "ew no"
lena: "you waren't like that on party in a bathroom"
me: "what are you talking about" i acted stupid
ale:"oH fucK maTiA"
y/n: "stfu"
me: "yea"

y/n pov

ugh i feel so stupid, probably everyone at party heard us. blame mattia for being so god in bed not me lol.

me: k im going home
mattia: why?
me: beacause i have to?
mattia: ok, im gonna give you a ride
ale: just like she gave you at a party he said laughing
mattia: dude do you ever stop? he asked angry
ale: ok ok bro chill
me: okay, lets go i said pulling mattia

we got in a cary and started talking

mattia: soo?
me: what?
mattia: did you think about it?
me: no i did not i need time ok?
mattia: k sorry
me: why are you so worried about that?
mattia: idk i just want you he said nervous
me: maybe you would have me
mattia: then why i dont?
me: ahh
mattia: what?
me: your behaviour
mattia: don-
me: im home i have to go, thanks for the ride btw
mattia: i didn-
i just closed the door behind me and got in my house. i ate and talked with my parents about party. they were angry a bit but i didn't care tbh. no risk no fun yk.

mattia pov

me: i didn-
she just left. wtf i didn't even get to finish our conversation. does she likes me back? did she really mean it?
god no, i wish i wasn't dick. no mattia. you can't be in love. YOU CAN'T. i really don't know why i fell for her. why? mattia why? i got home. i got a cal from ale.

ale: yo
me: whats up?
ale: do you want to hang?
me: no
ale: what?
me: i said no
ale: you never say no to hanging out
me: okay so?
ale: whats wrong?
me: im just tired
ale: you're lying
me: no im not
ale: yes you are
me: if i said im tired then im tired
ale: if you are really "tired" then why are you so upset?
me: becaus im TIRED i said angrly
ale: k im omw to your house
me: no you're not, im going to sleep gn.
ale: no you-
i didn't have nerve to talk to him. i wasn't tired. i was just upset. why do i always have to be rude. im a bad person, why i can't just fall in love without problems? why her? i texted y/n

me: hey
                                                        y/n: hi
me: do you wanna talk
                                                        y/n: no
me: why?
                 y/n: im tired im going to sleep,              you should too
me: ok gn

y/n pov
                                               mattia: ok gn

why tf is he texting me i thought to myself. he is not good for me. but he is so good in the other way. he's only gonna hurt me. why him? i fell asleep with thoughts of mattia.

im so sorry for being unactive guys😕, i have problems about school and all those stuff. this chapter is kinda short but alot of things are gonna happend so be ready!!! im gonna try to be more active for you guys! k bye now. love y'all!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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enemies to lovers -mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now