But I'm Not!

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Sorry this took so long. School is kicking my arse.

When you regretfully crack open your eyes, you know the day is going to be a long one, especially with a poltergeist to put down.Your throat feels like someone stuffed a roll of barb-wire down it followed by acid. Your head feels fuzzy and the room seems to swirl around you. A pained groan slips from your throat as you manage to roll out of bed without vomiting. You stagger to the bathroom, legs feeling dead and feet aching. Your reflection makes you grimace. Your skin is pallid and there's no way in hell Sam will let you out of the bunker. You sigh heavily and then start coughing. You stifle them when you hear movement down the hall from one of the boys' rooms. A door squeaks and footsteps sound frome the hall.

" [Name]? That you?" Sam's voice is scratchy from sleep and you quickly school you features into something you hope isn't as pitiful as you feel. You straighten and pop your head out, fighting nausea. You swallow hard, trying not to wince.

"Yeah," You clear your throat, voice hardly above a whisper. "Yeah Sam. 'S just me." You try not to grimace and plaster on a smile, keeping a death-grip on the door frame to keep you upright. Sam raises an eyebrow and you internally groan at the look he's giving you.

"You don't look too great. You feeling okay?" There's a hint of concern in his expression as he strides forward and holds the back of his hand to your forhead. His hand feels like ice and you nearly flinch away.

"Your hand feels like ice! How cold is your room!" You exclaim, shivering a tiny bit. Sam shakes his head, looking slightly exasperated.

" [Name], if anything my room's warm. That's it, you're sitting out on this one." He shakes his head again as you start to protest. "No, you're burning up and I can tell you've got a death grip on the frame. Dean and I can take care of the ghost, go back to bed." You huff and cross your arms defiantly, only swaying a little as you desperately try to ignore the way the room is tilting. He chuckles softly and easily scoops you up. You let out a surprised yelp and quickly cover your mouth with a groan as bile rises up. Sam hastily puts you back down.

"No puking on me! Think you can walk on your own?" Sam exclaims. You scoff and take a few tottering steps towards your room, only having to lean on the wall once. 

"See, I'm fine," you mutter, "I can still go on the hu-" Your sentence is cut off as you bend over double and empty the contents of your stomach on the bunker floor. You cough once and look up at Sam a bit sheepishly. A door slams farther down the hallway and Dean's voice floats down the hallway. 

"We're not taking any dying humans, [Name}! Get the hell back in bed!" 


I couldn't think of how to end it so sorry for the awkwardness...

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