Chapter 2

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Noah's POV
I went to my room when suddenly Samuel called me before I even took my phone in my hands
Noah:I was about to call you!!What was that?
Samuel:Tell me it's true what I hear on the news today?
Noah:For what are you talking about?
Samuel:It was a guy called Simon Fuller and was talking about a global pop group he wanted to make!And suddenly he said that some minutes ago,a 20 year old boy from Orange, California,Noah Urrea, called me and wanted to come to the auditions and I start screaming like crazy!
Noah:Yeah, it's true but you better say thank you to my sister for changing my mind!I was scared in the beginning!By the way, thank you for talking with her about my passion for music
Samuel:Oh,she told you that I talked with her?
Noah:Yes and I was shocked but she explained everything to me and I am thankful for having a friend like you in my life
Samuel: I love you Noah and good luck
Noah: I love you too and thank you!
We hung out and started preparing for going to sleep but I couldn't even sleep because I was so excited!!Days was passing so fast that I really couldn't be more ready!But first I need to prepare my parents because they will be  maybe see me singing for the first time and audiotioned for become a real singer,not just singing in musicals like an actor
•One Day before auditions•
Noah:Mum,Dad, Linsey and I ,but more me, need to tell you something important
Mrs Urrea:Tell us!We going to support you in everything you know that.
Mr Urrea:Your mother has right!You know how much we love you!!
Noah:First of all,i don't want to work in our family company, that's not my dream
Mrs Urrea:We know that and after talking with Linsey,some days ago!She explained everything without tell us what is your dream
Noah: Thank you, Linsey!love you so much
Linsey:Love you too!Now, explain them your dream
Noah:So,mum and dad,my dream is to become a singer and tomorrow I have my first audition to join in a global pop group!
Mr Urrea: I knew it.
Mr Urrea: I heard you singing and i couldn't believe my ears that you sound like this!!I always knew,you meant to be a singer but you know how we are!
Noah:Aww dad, that's cute!And don't worry,you weren't the only parents who want their kids to work in the family company!!I love you all so much!!!
Mrs Urrea:We love you too,Noah!But can you maybe sing us something now, I want to hear you Singing!
Noah:Sure mum!I need more practice, to prepare myself for tomorrow!!!
*starts singing "Hold On" by Justin Bieber,his ultimate favourite song*

Mrs Urrea:*starts crying*My baby is so talented
Noah:Mum,stop calling me like that! It's not funny anymore
Mrs Urrea:Yeah I know that you are a 20 year old talented boy but for me you will always be my baby
Noah:Love you so much,mum!I am so blessed to have you all in my life! Let's win that position!!
Mr Urrea: That's the spirit!The Urreas will never lose!
Noah:I am going to sleep now!!Cause I have to be ready for tomorrow.See you all, tomorrow!Mum,you know what i want for breakfast
Mrs Urrea:Yeah, don't worry!You gonna have it!Good night,my love
Noah:Good night!!
Starting walking to go to my room.I start thinking on the way how supportive my family was and make me want to talk with them about my sexuality too but then I realized that we living in a world that the people who is part of the LGBTQ+ community don't have the same rights with the people that are straight and that change my mind!!!
•The big day•
I get up at 6 a.m because I need to go at 7 to be in L.A at 10 a.m for my audition. Mum had everything ready as she should and start preparing everything!!And we start for the most amazing journey in my entire life!I wasn't that happy in all the journey,i have made since I was young!That journey was the beginning of something big!It was the start of my biggest dream!!!I arrived in Simon's office when I saw a boy dancing and my heart started beat so fast!!
Linsey:Where have you been with your mind?Who did you see?
Linsey turned around and saw him
Linsey:Don't tell me?
Noah:Yeah,i have started having this feeling again!!
Linsey:Not now!
Noah:I know,Linsey!What I am gonna do if I can't concentrate on the audition?
Linsey:Relax!I am with you!!!
Noah: Thanks sis!!
Josh's POV
I was at Simon Fuller's office and practicing my dancing when I heard someone talking behind me!I turn around and saw an amazing and beautiful boy talking with his family!!
*inside my head:Josh you are here to make your dream come true,stop thinking anything else* and my heart start beating so fast!F*,this feeling came back!I haven't feel like this since the last time I was with a boy!!I have never met someone after him that make me feel like this and now is happening again!I went to talk with him but before say anything....

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