Dear Hyunjin

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Dear Hyunjin,

you would probably never come across this but if you ever do, this is what  what us STAY want to convey to you while you're on hiatus.

how are you? how have you been? it's been over sixty days and we haven't heard from you.all of us have been waiting for you  to reply  maybe a small update on how you're doing.

We know you've gotten a lot of backlash and hate recently for something that happened in the past,but trust me, the hyunjin i  know would've never done  anything like this and even if he did it was back in middle school.everyone has their shit going on during  middle school and it's okay through go through shit.It's been years to something you were put on blame for and it should've been forgotten and forgiven. The "victims" involved should've moved on but well it went else where.

you were genuinely sorry when you wrote the letter and we could see it, jyp didn't handle the situation like he should've and then boom you were gone.

All of us were confused and surprised when the statement came out we didn't know who was right but we knew bringing up something years ago was wrong.we thought it would be okay in a few weeks, you would be back on kingdom and we would get to see you and we would move on from this but that didn't happen either instead you were still on hiatus.

Then one fine day a fan updates us, she quoted "i saw hyunjin today while i was gone for voting,he had lost a lot of weight and had trimmed his hair short",we were worried Hyuni,we knew you were sensitive and at  this point all of us wanted to hug you tight and let you know it was okay that us stay were here for you,i probably sound very dramatic but we wanted to be their for you hyunjin because we absolutely adore you and you being okay was one of our first priorities. 

if you come across this please give us a sign maybe ask chan to use a keyword on his live so that we know you're okay. well we hope we get to see you soon hyuni,please take care.

   -yours truly 

STAY <3  

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