Chapter 1

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It was just a typical day in the life of Monica Bell, a French soon-to-be-woman, at just 17 her life is a complete mess.

She usually wakes up at 5 AM to start her day, but this time something is different. She has that feeling in her stomach, you know? That one you get when you sense something big is going to happen today?

Yeah anyways back to the story

As she wakes up she checks her alarm clock that reads 7:48, shoot, I'm so late to school she thought as she got out of the bed and began her morning routine. She started of by going to shower because she stinks.

Ok imma stop now

After she got out the shower, she checked her phone for new messages, and at her surprise she found no messages except for Instagram and Tik Tok notifications.

As she checked the time again she quickly panicked and began dressing up in some jeans and a t-shirt. Once she was ready she began to pack her school bag. When she finished it she glanced at her phone again. No messages

Basically let me get this straight, Ryan. The nicest boy in the campus. I mean he's known as 'the hot gentleman', all the girls are heads over heels for him, even our girl Monica.

As she ran out the dorms, she went quickly to the school, and at her surprise she found it


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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