Just A Fan-KNJ

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[Abigail's POV]
I checked myself in the mirror for one last time before heading out. I wore a lavender colored evening dress and paired it with white high heels. I had left my long wavy hair untied and had some light make up done. I wore a white full length chester reaching my ankles.
Hi! I am Abigail Knight, a hotelier by profession. I am 22 years old and I live in New York. Currently I'm on a vacation here in Abu Dhabi and right now I'm on my way to have dinner with my brother and his wife. The perks of being a hotelier is that I get to stay at suites free of cost if I check in at one of our ally hotels or our own branches, as I'm staying in one right now.
Stepping out of my suite, I plugged my earphones in and made my way to the elevator, it arrived and I stepped in,no one was in the elevator besides me, just as the elevator door was about to close, it opened again and someone stepped in.
Being the anti-social creature that I am, I didn't even bother looking up at the person.
The elevator door shut, it started moving. I took my phone and opened Spotify. I could feel eyes on me but I decided to brush it off and focus on the songs blasting in my earplugs. I was listening to BTS and War of Hormones came on. I was so focused on the music that I forgot about the presence of this person beside me, and started Rapping to RM's part. Suddenly the lights started blinking, then they went out completely and the elevator came to a halt. I paused the song and turned my head around as if I was looking for something in the dark.
'And now I'm stuck in this dark elevator with a strange man, who I didn't even bother to look at earlier. Great! Just great! Not to mention I'll be late for thr dinner, that is if I make it out of this elevator in time.'
Both of us turned our phone flash at the same time. The small cabin lit up nice enough. I looked at the man beside me. He was tall and broad. He had a good built and he looked like someone in his mid-late twenties. Half of his face was covered with a face mask, and the other half, ie., his forehead was half-covered with loose bangs. Only his eyes were visible, and just by looking at them I can tell he's Asian.
'He has big downturned eyes with dark brown orbs.
I gotta admit his eyes are so beautiful.'
I got so busy admiring his eyes that I didn't realise i was staring. A sound of cough brought me out of my trance. My eyes widened as realisation hit me, I lowered my head in embarrassment, and also to hide my face which was probably red, cause I've just developed an instant crush on those beautiful eyes. 👀
Shit! He must be uncomfortable. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
I was mentally scolding myself when I heard him chuckle at my antics. I hesitantly looked up at him only to meet his beautiful eyes once again. He gave me a soft smile, although it's hidden under his mask. I smiled back and quickly looked away.
And suddenly another wave of realization hit me when I recognized who this gorgeous human is. My head shot up and my eyes went wide as I looked at him, speechless.
???: *chuckles* I'm guessing you recognized me!
And there it is, that voice that I love more than my life. If I weren't sure of his identity before, I am now.
Abigail: Y.... You... You're...
???: Yes! I am RM from BTS.
He said removing his mask, showing off his cute dimples and a beautiful smile.
My eyes went the size of Jupiter at the sight of my fav idol. Here he is, standing infront of me in flesh and blood.
'Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!' My mind was running a thousand miles per second while my mouth sealed shut into the widest smile. I was starstruck.
He coughed lightly, probably to pull me back to earth, out of my trance.
One important thing about my job is, Composure. We're trained to keep our composure and not make our guests uncomfortable, even if they're celebrities.
I quickly cleared my throat and composed myself. I shook hands with him and introduced myself. We were having a casual conversation until he said, "So! You're into rapping, huh?"
My confidence went down the drain when I remembered what I was doing a few minutes ago.
I was rapping his part of a song right infront of him, when I don't even know the words properly, and then I stared at him like a creep. My head went down in embarrassment once again.
He let out a laugh, I looked up at him with puppy eyes. 😳
RM: Uh! I'm sorry I didn't mean to make fun of you, it's just that your reaction was really adorable.
I blushed at his remark.
'He thinks I'm adorable.' 🤯
Abigail: I'm sorry! I promise I'm not some weird person, it's just that I'm a big fan and this is such an unexpected situation, and I'm just stunned and my mind is all over the place and I'm probably speaking non sense now.
I spoke in one go. (Tongue Technology😂)
RM: I see you have a high potential at being a rapper.
I blinked at him twice, before we both bursted out laughing.
After laughing for a few good minutes, we managed to compose ourselves and started chatting. At some point, he asked me what my fav song from BTS is? I paused for a while trying to decide which one is my fav,how am I even supposed to pick a fav when I literally love every piece they make. The silence was starting to get awkward so I spoke the first song that came to my mind...
Abigail: Euphoria.
RM: I see.
He said dragging the word "See" a bit. It got quite silent until he spoke up again...
RM: I guess Jungkook-si is your favorite out of all of us.
'What? No, he's getting it all wrong.'
Abigail: No! It's not him, It's 'YOU'. I blurted out bashfully, looking at him wide eyed. A tint of pink appeared on his cheeks and I looked down in embarrassment.
'Wait, why am I even embarrassed? It's not like I confessed to him or something.' My inner talk was interrupted as he cleared his throat and spoke....
RM: Oh! I just presumed so because you picked Euphoria as your favorite song. His hand scratching the back of his neck, nervously.
(P. S. Joonie looks so cute when he's flustered. UwU😍)
Abigail: In all honesty, I just said Euphoria as a first thought. I just love every song you guys make and I can't decide which one is my fav, so I said the first song that came to my mind.
RM: Ohhhhhhhhh! He said. After a pause he spoke again. 'Can I ask why am I your fav member? I mean, most armies pick the maknae line as their favs, and then there's Jin Hyung, WORLDWIDE HANDSOME, and....
I cut him off mid sentence....
Abigail: Because it's you. Yeah, the maknae line is adorable and very cute, and Jin is very handsome, indeed, and when J Hope dances, I can't stay still, and Yeah Suga is super talented and he, probably, raps faster than light, and I love them all, but you...
I trail off, thinking what to say next. Looking straight into his eyes, I decided to pour my heart out, This is my only chance, who knows if I'll ever see him again after the elevator starts running....
"You are just Different. Like I don't know, seeing you brings a smile to my face, makes me feel like I wanna hold hands with you, play with your hair, maybe, take a walk with you along the beach at sunset, share meals with you, watch you as you read, cheer you up when you're upset, make you laugh, or,at least, smile big enough to see those lovely dimples....
My sentence was cut off midway, as I felt a pair of soft lips on mine.
[RM's POV]
Surely, I've met many fans before but nobody ever said things like these to me. Listening to her words just put me in a trance. I wasnt thinking straight, and before I knew it, I had moved closer to her, held her face and pressed my lips to her soft pink ones.
[Abigail's POV]
'Holy Shit! Is this happening for real? Please! Please! don't let it be a dream.' I responded almost immediately, his large hands cupped my cheeks, as his soft lips moved against mine, so perfectly and just as I was about to put my arms around his waist, he pulled away, his eyes wide, his ears red, a shocked expression painted on his face. He immediately started apologising.
RM: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't knew what I was doing.
He looked down at his feet.
Abigail: Don't be! This is probably the best version of an "Autograph" I can get from you.
I'm Just a fan, after all!
I said biting my lip lightly as I looked at my feet, my face is probably as red as a tomato.
Putting his index finger under my chin he lifted my face up to meet his stare. With a smirk plastered on his lips, he spoke,
"Well then! Mind if I give you one more?
He leaned in, closing the gap between us once again.
Authors Note:
It's done, finally!
I experienced my first ever writers block in this one. And I was stuck for 11 whole days🤣.
Well anyway, just wanna say, Abigail's admiration for Joon isn't fiction, but my real thoughts! I love RM and he is my ultimate Kpop Bias.
A quick question:
What is your fav BTS song??

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