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" The fuck-"

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" The fuck-". " Y/N!!!". " Madam!". " Miss!".

" Useless thing! You disbeave, who can't even be a good woman!", I hear a voice yell at me as im shaking on the ground, facing the window. " It'd be so great if you got sick and died like your mother!", The voice added one making me flinched. Then I remembered that was my father yelling at me... " The balck sheep". " The family's downfall". " Stupied and shabby bitch". " Rodent-like wench!", Was all I could hear. " Stop, stop it!", I barley got out, I was shaking out of fear, fear just paralized my body. It was so cold where I was I didn't want to open my eyes, out of fear what I was going to see. I finally open my eyes and see a dog in front of me. " Y-you won't leave me right?", I asked the dog as I hugged it. " But your a useless little bitch Y/N, What do you expect hmm? It'll leave you alone too", that was all I could think about myself noting more. " You fucking loner".

" Y/N!".

I snap open my eyes to see Riftan standing above me. " Are you awake?", He asks. I sat up and noticed I was in a little room. " Where are we?", I ask in a small voice as I looked around. " A inn in a town near Xeno", He said looking at me before he put his hand on my forehead. " Because you fainted, we left the forest and came here. We're behind schedule thanks to that, too", He said as he moved his thumb on my forehead making me feel bad for making us behind schedule. " But you didn't faint because of the ogre or the fall but fainted when you saw me", He said as he took a set on the side of the bed I am on. -Hmm?

" Milady!". " Are you alright?". " Y/N!!!". " I'm s-sorry".

" I-I'm Sorry ", I said looking down in shame. " Drink, you keep breaking into cold sweat, you have to keep hydrated", He said handing me a bowl of water. I took into my hands and looked down at the water. For some reason I didn't drink it but just stared at it. " Are you afraid it's poisoned?, Drink up", He said making me look up to him and seeing he had a faint blush on his face. " Alright, I will", I agreed not wanting to disrespect him. " And tell me if you're hurt somewhere. I'll call for the physician", He added as he made his way to the foot of the bed. ' wait arn't physician expensive?'. Once I finished the water he gave me I looked around. It had spider webs and had dust everywhere you looked, but I wasn't surprised. But the thought of spiders disgusted me making me look down not wanting to look at the webs. Then I noticed I wasn't wearing the same thing I was wearing before...

My eyes widened but thats when Riftan walked in... " What? Are you unwell?", He asked as he had a tray in hand. I look to him with my face red. " What?, are you feeling sick again?, Call the physician now..!", He yelled out looking to the door. " Ah, wait n-no! But my clothes are gone, I-im not wearing clothes!", I stuttered out of embarrassment. " You were wearing clothes. Get up", He said as he placed the tray on the nightstand. " but this isn't m-my-". " Of course it isn't. It's my tunic". " That darned tight suffocating thing was dirtied by your vomit. I've told the maid to wash it. You'll get it back tomorrow", He explained as he looked back at me. " There's no use in hiding like that now. I saw everything when wiping you down your body. Who do you think changed you?", He asked blushing a bit. " Wiped me down? No, more importantly, my un-underwear?", I asked blushing in embarrassment. " I threw it away. It was ripped", He said as if it was normal. " W-what..? My underwear!", I exclaim. "... I had no choice. You were turning blue from lack of air", He said as he covered him mouth blushing. " I was only going to untie that... Thing around your chest! I only meant to pull the knot! How would I know that the top and bottom were attached to each other", He said getting more flustered.


" I'll lend you mine if you need to"

" N-No!"

' This feels so weird'

" Damn it! I barely managed to change her clothes!". " It's been three years but we haven't had our first night! If you hated me touching you, then you shouldn't have fainted!", He exclaimed turning around with his hand over his mouth. " That's not i-it". But I cut myself off so I don't piss him off, making me go into my own little world again. " What are you spacing out for?", He said as he placed the tray on my lap showing soup and some bread. " Here's barley bread and soup, Eat while they're still warm", He said turning his head the the said as he scratched the back of his neck. " It's late now so i'll buy you a new set tomorrow. That cursed, strange under... wear too".

' he can be so two faced...'

I started eat, I didn't eat much cause I wasn't even that hungry Im rarely hungry. I place down my spoon to indicate i'm done. " Eh, you haven't eaten half", He says as he raised an eyebrow. " I ate enough", I said looking at him in the eyes.

' why would he bring me along if I annoy him..?'.

" Why are you bringing me along?", I ask him letting my curiosity get the best of me. " ... What do you mean?", He said as he bit his button lip. " It wasn't like you wanted to marry me. But I don't know why you would bring me...", I said looking away from him with sad eyes. " If you want a divorse... It's better if... now...", I said trailing off squeezing the sheets in my hands. " Did you just say divorse?", He said as he got this dark ora forming around him. " Did you hit it off with another bastard while I was fighting to death?!", He yelled as he shook my shoulders. " N-no, I d-didn't!", I said in fear. " Then why are you bringing up a divorse?", He asked as he stoped shaking me. " E-everyone said when you come back, you'll divorse me and marry the p-princess so...", I said getting a little sad as I failed to notice tears rolling down my face. " Haa, damn shit! Fucking hell", He said as he picked me up into his arm bridal style. " W-what are you doing?", I ask.

" Wait...! P-pardon...!".


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