Punch one

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As the one eyed cyclops alien fired a beam that would be his final attack just to defeat this one warrior he thought. 'Finally, I've found a worthy opponent, right? I can't shake this feeling that all I've done has been in vain. Is this fight one sided? No... it can't be, I WILL DEFEAT YOU! SAITAMA-'

A punch from the bald man gilded towards the energy blast.


'With just one punch he deflected my strongest attack. No he didn't deflect it, he put so much power into his punch that it overruled my attack and the force of his punch hit me. I never stood a chance.' The ship starts coming down and Boros, who is now split into different pieces from the force of Saitama's serious punch and now just an eye starts to talk to Saitama.

"Did I lose?" The lying burnt pieces of Boros uttered as it was laid on the floor

"Hm? You're still conscious? You really are strong." the Bald hero told him

"It was a hard fought battle."

"Hm? Oh yeah, it was a close fight-" Saitama said in an uninterested tone as always.

"You lie. You held back that whole time. The Prophecy was a lie. I never stood a chance. Saitama, may you please do me a favor." Boros said in his weak voice

"Uhh sure whats the favor." Saitama asked

"Take the eye part of me with you, you've given me a new goal. I want to reach the level of strength you've gotten too. No matter what it takes."

"Um, can an eye train?" Saitama said looking confused at the remains of Boros

"As it stands I have no energy left in my body. If you take me somewhere safe I can regain my energy and regenerate. Saitama, what path brought you to this level of strength?"

"Oh, I just wanted to become a hero that could defeat opponents in one punch, I kinda regret it though." Saitama said looking at his fists

'Path of a hero? Maybe that's the path I must go if I want to become stronger.'

The Aircraft crashed on the ground shaking the top where Boros and Saitama were.

"QUICK! Please Saitama, bring me to a good place where I can regain my energy. After I regain some power I want to continue down the path of a hero."

Hearing that puts a small smile on Saitama's face and he quickly grabs Boros's eye and he grabs the eye and puts it in his palm and clenches it into a fist so nobody sees the eye in his hand.After it fully crashes he punches a whole through the ship.

Seeing this a girl with a green aura starts floating towards the Bald Man, she was about to scold him for going into the ship but she stops when she senses something in his palm. She did sense a large energy source she assumed was on the ship was the core and when she 'destroyed' the ship it destroyed the core. She felt the energy source to be Dragon or Even higher. It was stronger than Tatsumaki for sure, and she felt that same time of energy in the palms of this man's hand, although a weaker version, high demon and on the verge of dragon though.

"What's in your hand?" Tatsumaki asked the bald man

"A piece of an alien I defeated."

Before she could question more she heard Genos say.

"Master, there you are. You invaded the enemy ship and defeated the boss, correct?"

"Yeah, and he was probably the strongest opponent I've fought so far."

Saitama walks away from Tatsumaki. Usually Tatsumaki would see this as someone ignoring her and would take action by attacking them or insulting them but she was registering something. First he got into the ship somehow even though it had a defense and was high in the air. He defeated a monster that had high energy levels that even surpass anything she could do, and Demon Cyborg called him master.

"Hey, Egghead, are you strong?" Tatusmaki asked

"Indeed, master Saitama is the strongest hero I've ever met."

'I know he's strong now, but I wanna know if he's stronger than me now. He defeated an opponent with that much power but he isn't even scratched? There's no way he's on another level then me.... right?'

"Hey Tatsumaki, thanks for taking down the ship." Bang said walking towards her

"Hey, Bang. You came with that Class B guy right. How strong is he?" She asked still looking at the direction saitama was heading

"Saitama? His strength is immense. He far surpasses me and most of S class. If it weren't for him a dragon level meteor would've hit City A and taken me and Genos with it."

"How hard was it for him to break?" She said still looking in the direction he was headed

"Only took him One Punch." After saying that Before bang even noticed, Tatsumaki was gone.

This was the first fanfic I've ever done, any feedback would be appreciated. For the Boros currently he is at a high demon level of power since his body is still in Meteoric Burst Mode even though he's just an eye. When he fully recovers he'll be only slightly stronger and still in Meteoric Burst. I'll try to balance the Boros and Tatsumaki story arcs.

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