Chapter 3- Miranda's POV

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He walked into the room and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I was captivated by him. His intense green eyes held mine for a moment and I forgot to breathe in that moment. I looked away, smiling as I thought of how they searched mine to read me like an open book. I always was that way, my eyes give away anything that's going through my mind. The way he stood was much different than the way other guys presented themselves. He wasn't full of himself or arrogant or anything, he was just there. You could tell that he didn't want to be here, but here he was. I was shocked as I realized that he was making his way towards me. He pointed to a chair before speaking.

"This seat taken?"

"Um, no, go ahead if you'd like it." I could barely think of the words to say. Why was I having so much trouble? I'm never this way with guys. Maybe he's just different, he certainly seems to be. What am I even thinking, I don't know him yet. "So, did you just move here?"

"Yeah." He looked up at me with a crooked smile. He's some kind of adorable, I thought to myself. Why can't I stop looking at him? I'm drawn to him already.

"Why'd you move here?" I don't know why I wanted to know so much about him. He seems interesting, like he's got a story. I'm so tired of the normal story around here, maybe he's something new.

"I had to get away from a few things, y'know," he said. "So what's it like here?"

"I'll tell you what it's like if you tell me your name first." I teased.

"Casey," He stopped, "Casey Dean." He smirked at me.

"This school is nothing but the average sucky school. It's boring, and the people here suck. The teachers aren't anything special, but they leave you alone. Keep to yourself and you'll be perfectly fine. Miranda Woodrow, nice to meet you, Casey." I was now feeling strangely confident in myself, but I wouldn't go all out. I didn't want to come off like some dumb girl who was all over him. I wasn't even supposed to be having such thoughts. My father would be ashamed of me, but I could really care less.

"What're you thinking about?"

"Oh, nothing really, just some stuff that I have to do," I lied.

"Oh, okay. You looked really serious, and I didn't know if something was wrong." He seems to be a nice guy, huh.

"Thanks. It's nice of you to check." I smiled at him, which earned a lopsided grin in response.

We sat through the rest of class just talking back and fourth about things that've happened to us. I told him the story of how I rode my bike off of a boat ramp on accident once and he laughed at me for it, but I didn't care. I love talking to him.


"OMG! HAVE YOU SEEN THAT NEW KID CASEY?! HE'S DELICIOUS!" Armani managed to scream at me after we met up after school. "He's got that whole bad boy thing going on, man!" She was seriously excited. She wouldn't believe me whenever I said that he sat with me, much less that we talked through all of study hall.

"He sat by me in study hall and we talked the whole time. He's really nice."

"He's really nice, of course you'd only focus on that."

"Okay, fine, he's definitely good looking. I can't stop thinking about him and it's driving me insane."

"Oh girl, you just met him and you've already got it bad!"

"Shut up before I kick you in the throat," I said with a laugh. She's so ridiculous sometimes. I shot her a look, getting the point across that I think she's insane.

"Don't look at me like that, kiddo. You know I'm right."

"Yeah, okay. Whatever you want to think."

We spent the rest of the night talking and eating junk food. It was a great night, but the whole time, my mind was else where. I was thinking about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2013 ⏰

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