Chapter Two

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The walk to my apartment was only five blocked but, on the way, there Bucky and I learned a lot about each other. I learned that he was an honest gentleman when we walked out, he refused to let me walk close to the street and whenever someone came to close to me, he would put his arm around my waist and hold me close to him long enough for the person to past me. He told me about the metal arm that I had noticed when he grabbed me back at the bar and that he did in fact know the avengers when we passed the tower.

*Bucky mind*

Walking Nicole home I learned so much about her. The way that she seems so tough on the outside like she doesn't need anyone to protect her. I noticed the face she gave me when I made her switch me places on the sidewalk it was first a look that said "I don't need your help" to a softer look of appreciation. I noticed the way that whenever someone got to close to her, she instantly crossed her arms over her chest trying to make herself small again. She told me about how she grew up and that when she was 15, she decided to leave home because her father wasn't a good one. I wanted to push her on it, but I could tell she wasn't ready to speak about it. She told me about how her life she has spent most of it fighting.

*Back to normal*

"Well, this is my building. Would you um you like to um come in for a drink?" I asked as a shifted from one foot to the other.

Bucky was looking at me like he was trying to figure out what was the best choice to make here. I could see the battle going on behind his eyes.

"Yeah, sure what could one drink hurt." Bucky said as he took a step closer to me.

When we finally reached my door, I opened it and let him in before me.

"Uh sorry I wasn't expecting company. Just let me clear a few things." I said I hurried around the apartment picking up random piecing of clothing I had stripped off the night before after work.

"Beers in the fridge." I called out to him while I ran into my bedroom.

When I walked back out, he was sitting on my couch with a beer in one hand and mine in the table.

"Thanks." I said when I said down close to him.

Many many beers later and quite a few shots later we were both laughing at something that was said. I was laughing was hard I was doubled over leaning on his shoulder.

"Cole are you okay?" Bucky said though his laughter.

Upon hearing that coming out of his mouth I shot up and looked at Bucky in compete silence.

"Did I say something wrong?" Bucky said with concern in his voice.

"Nobody has called me that in years. It just startled me." I said as I nodded with a sad look on my face.

As Bucky reached out to lay a hand on my leg he spoke to me so softly I didn't know if he meant to say it or not. "I didn't realize I won't call you that again."

"No no its okay. You can call me that I liked hearing it come from your mouth." I said as I looked from his eyes to his lips.

Bucky must have had the same thought as me or saw me looking at his lips because he very slowly raised his metal hand to softly brush my cheek. He was staring so intently into my eyes I was getting more and more anxious the longer he took to kiss me.

Bucky's hand that was on my leg started to move up to my hips and he slowly keep leaning in. He was so close now that I could feel his breath on my face.

"Can I kiss you doll?" Bucky said quietly as he looked deep into my eyes asking for permission with them as well.

"Yes. Why would you ask?" I said breathless.

"You've been though a lot tonight I didn't want to overstep." Bucky said as he slowly traced my cheek bone to my hair and moved it behind my ear.

"Just kiss me already." I said as I grabbed both sides of his face to bring him closer to me.

When our lips meet it felt like fireworks were going off in my head. His lips were so soft and even though his hand on the side of my neck was metal it makes goosebumps go over my skin. I leaned into his touch and tired to get as close as I could to him. Bucky slowly started to insert his tongue into my mouth. He was asking for permission again and the thought alone made me enjoy the kiss more than she thought was possible.

When we both needed air, we gently pulled away leaving our foreheads touching and hands still caressing each other bodies.

"Bucky." I said almost as moan.

"Mhmm." Bucky responded to me while his hand on my hip started to mindlessly rub my back.

"Please stay tonight." I said almost afraid of his reaction was her going to think I was a whore or was he going to think I was desperate.

Bucky pulled back to look at me with a face I could not read.

"I don't want to have nightmares tonight buck. We will just sleep. I just don't want to be alone. Honestly, the only place I want to be is with you." I shameless admitted.

Bucky stood up and I regretted what I had said right away. He was going to run. He didn't want me. Bucky could see the panic start to settle into my features.

"Come on doll. It would be my honor to stay here and keep you safe. No where are we sleeping." Bucky said as he reached his hand out for me to take. As soon as I was standing Bucky wrapped me into a hug and held me close to his body for a moment.

"I couldn't leave you here after you looked at me like that." Bucky whisper in my ear.

I pulled away from the hug to look into Bucky's eyes. The way he was looking at me I leaned in to kiss him again.

When I pulled away Bucky still had his eyes closed and he sighed.

"If you keep kissing me like that I may never leave." Bucky said as he finally opened his eyes and when ours met his were sparking.

Please let me know if I should continue this story. I really enjoy writing but i want people to enjoy reading it. i have some great ideas for this storyline. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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