A Message To The Future Me

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I'm sure you've reached a great place
I'm sure you're enjoying where you are..
You might've met new people,
Lot of new talks and giggles...
I hope you're doing amazing,
And If you're not then,
I hope even the zig Zags are amusing...
Ups and downs
Smiles and frowns
All just a part of life...
I'm sure you're chasing your dreams...
I would see in your eyes,
That sparkle and gleam...
I'm sure you remember me!
As a  crazy stupid lame kid,
Who used to throw tantrums,
Was overdramatic and full of enthusiasm....
I hope you're now a better version of me
More calm, subtle and free...
I hope you've changed just to improve,
Never look back and just move...
I know you wish to have a
Walk to remember!
So don't let your dreams shatter..
Let every step matter...
I will be there,
In your heart forever...
To see you grow up...
That's a promise from a believer,
To a future dreamer....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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