Chapter 15: Third-Person POV

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The wedding was today. The castle was full of commotion. Maids helped the new King and Queen get ready, the chefs were making delicious plates for everyone at the wedding, and the knights were busy walking around the castle, making sure there were no intruders. It was a pretty busy day.

"Ms. L/N, please stand still so we can adjust your dress," the maids try to tell her but Y/N wasn't paying attention to the maids. Her mind was full of questions. How will Karma think of me when he sees me in this dress? Is Aoi sure this dress will capture Karma's attention? How will I act if he doesn't like it? "Um, Ms. L/N/?"

"Right, right. Sorry." She turned around, letting the maids finalize her dress. She was glad the maids were there to help her get ready for the wedding. Without them, it would've taken her years to get ready.

There then was a loud knock on the door followed by a voice that yelled out Y/N. One of the maids stopped what they were doing and opened the door. Aoi ran in and stood next to Y/N.

"Wow, Y/N. I told you this dress would look pretty on you. You look like a real Queen now," Aoi said as they both bursted out laughing.

"I look good in everything. That's why I am Queen," Y/N teased. "You look pretty is that dress too, Aoi." Aoi was wearing a white dress. It looked exactly like Y/N's dress, except that it was a long sleeved dress and it was less poofy.

"Thank you, Queen Y/N," she teased back. "Let me help you do your make-up while the maids are doing your hair. Doing make-up is my specialty!"


While the girls were getting ready, the boys were just having the time of their lives. They were playing... basketball.

"Hey Karma! I bet you can't beat me in a game of basketball." Kazuko said, challenging Karma once again.

"Bet. But this time, I'm gonna beat you for sure." A smirk grew on Karma's face, ready to face off his opponent.

"Alright! You can start first." Kazuko threw the ball to Karma. They played for 30 minutes until Karma beat Kazuko.

"HAHA! I won! You need to-" Karma said before he was interrupted by the maids.

"Mr. Akabane, please follow us. We need to get you ready for the wedding today. Your cousin can come with us too." Both of them nodded and followed the maids. They both totally forgot about the wedding while they were playing basketball.

Time Skip to the Wedding

Y/N's hands were shaking. She was scared about what Karma's impression would be, seeing her in the dress. Everybody was already in their seats, waiting for the wedding to start. The music then started and the door opened. Y/N's mom and Karma were walking down the aisle, followed by Kazuko (best man), Aoi (flower girl), and the ring bearer. Once they got onto the platform, Y/N and her father walked in. Her father hands her over to Karma, who takes her hand and guides her to her spot.

Karma's face grew slightly red, seeing Y/N in the dress. The dress showed Y/N's curves and everything pretty about her.

Now that everyone was in place, there were a few words of welcome from the officiant. "Welcome to this wonderful ceremony. Here, we will celebrate the new King and Queen's wedding. Now let's start with an introduction from some of the King and Queen's friends and family."

A few of Y/N and Karma's friends came up to speak about some wishes and accomplishments they would like to see the couple do. Next up, the officiant talks about the responsibilities about the marriage and sanctity of the vows they are about to say.

Karma started the vows first, "I promise to forever love you. I also wish for your forgiveness for the time we fought when we were younger. I promise to not make you mad anymore but if you eat the last sushi, I'll be forever mad at you." He let out a little laugh as Y/N glared at him with tears in her eyes. "There are infinite things I love about you. I love your laugh, your smile, and your personality. I couldn't have imagined anyone else but you to go through life's journey with. You've been with me since I was born, now it's time for me to be with you till the end. Y/N, you are my everything, the light that shines brighter than the rest."

It was Y/N's turn to say her vows, but her eyes were full of tears. "Since the beginning, I've always loved you. When we reunited again, I was mad at you, but I was also very happy to see you. I love how you struggle to do your hair in the morning and always ask me to do it for you. I love how you always end up breaking a window every time we're playing soccer. Even if I sometimes hate how you prank me everyday," Y/N's eyes met Karma's eyes. "I will forever love you. I will never forget this day. I can't imagine where I would be without you, and I cannot wait to continue this crazy journey with you, Karma."

They both passionately stared into each other's eyes before Karma turned away to avoid eye contact. His eyes were also full of tears and he didn't want Y/N to see him that way. Y/N lifted one hand to push Karma's face to face her. She gave him a little smile, which made Karma's stomach fill with butterflies. It was the first time Y/N had ever seen Karma cry as an adult. He would always cry as a child but now, he never cried.

Karma lifted Y/N's left hand as he put on her ring. Y/N did the same and they both intertwined their hands.

"You may now kiss the bride," the officiant said. Y/N and Karma got closer, and their lips touched. It was a soft, but delicate kiss. The most important one. As they pulled away from each other, they both looked at their bracelets. It was shining bright red. A color of... love.

"I now announce, Karma Akabane and Y/N Akabane, officially married. Please all stand up and bow to our new King and Queen." Everyone stood up from their seats and bowed. They were now, officially King and Queen!

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