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"Wow," Art mumbles to herself as her eyes scan through the page in quick movements. "Wow." She leans over the book, placing a palm under her chin.

I snort, as I continue to skim through a book I'd already read but couldn't help but drift back toward in countless occasions.

"Oh shit," Art groans and covers her face with both hands, peeking at the pages through one of her fingers. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Damn" she huffs and leans back into her chair looking at me with wide eyes. As she goes to turn the page, she frowns when she sees its blank. "What's the meaning of this?"

I smirk at her and shrug my shoulders coyly. "It means I haven't decided where I want the story to go."

She slams both hands on the table and leans toward me, with what I'm guessing is murder in her cocoa colored eyes. "I'll tell you where the story will go. They will fall in love and have three children having the names of those Aunts, ya hear me?!"

By the end of her speech she's screeching, which isn't exactly appropriate given the fact that we're in the library. The librarian pokes her head through one of the shelves and goes, "shh!"

Art widens her eyes at her and the lets her head slam on the table, muttering words I can't hear.

I chuckle and ruffle her hair before getting up and making my way to one of the aisles to find a book to swallow tonight.

As I scan the titles in one particular shelf, the books suddenly nudge apart and a pair of green eyes the color of algae blink back at me.
I frown and go to nudge the books back close together and my brows raise when I feel him hold the books apart.

I huff and take a step back, moving to another aisle.
Books and weirdos, including my best friend who I can hear still groaning, all in one place at the library.

As I stand with two books in my hand trying to decide between them, a feel a presence next to me.
I look to my right and see the same person from Chemisty leaning against the shelf and just...staring at me.

Green eyes.

"Following me?" He taunts and I pause before looking at him like he's insane. He is.

"Right," I drawl, ready to destroy this guy. "Because I'm the one who peeked through the books and then stalked me all the way across an aisle..." I pause and smile at him condescendingly. "Sure, okay."

As I walk past him, he grabs one of the books in my hand and I yelp. He reads the title and thumbs through the pages. "Is that your friend yowling like a cat in heat?"

I frown at him, understanding his annoyance but feeling a fierce need to defend my friend. "She's not a cat in heat."

His eyes swing toward mine. "So you agree she's yowling?"

I roll my eyes and hold my hand out for my book. He glances at it and raises a brow at me. "No thanks."

I huff and growl. "My book, genius." He smirks at me but does nothing to oblige and continues to skim through the book.

"Look, just grab another copy and give me mine," I groan and hear a 'shh' a few aisles away and a pause from Art. Then she resumes.

"What's she on about, anyway?" He wonders aloud and glances at me, waiting for an answer. I glance around before deciding to respond.

"She read the latest chapter I wrote."

He blinks at me before his eyes light up for some unknown reason. "Ah. A fellow writer. Working on a new book?"

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