Chapter 4

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The mafia business has grown even larger than it was when my father ran things. We kept recruiting more and more people and became a force to be reckoned with. We now have people all over the country, in other countries. Our name is known by our enemies but there is nothing that they could possibly do, to try to over throw us. We even have members inside government positions as well as police officer, fire fighters, doctors etc. Terrell insisted we needed to be this big and well known so we wouldn't have to hide. Our daughter can now have the life neither of us had because we have the privilege to do so. 

Our daughter is now almost seven years old.  Our precious Nadene is a blessing for us both, but due to our work consuming a lot of our time sometimes we have to leave her behind. I found a very suitable young woman named Kiara to take care of Nadene while we travel and the trips we have to go on. I make sure neither of us are gone for too long without seeing our baby girl. I don't want her growing up craving for our attention like I did with my father. 

We have another trip coming up and I made sure to set the rules for both Kiara and Nadia. Kiara is 18, but I still need to make sure nothing happens to my baby. I guess that's the motherly instinct Terrell always admires in me. 

"Okay so remember the protocol?" I ask Kiara once more as I set my suitcase down in front of the door.                                                                  

"Yes Mrs. Clarricoates, you've told us both about a trillion times. I can handle this." Kiara said in a reassuring tone. I take a deep breath and nod my head, a tear falling down my cheek. 

" I just hate having to leave her behind. But it's too dangerous to take her with."  Nadia runs up and wraps her arms around my waist. I lean down and hug her. I hold the remainder of my tears in, I kiss her cheek and then pull her away at arms distance. "Baby if this gets too hard and you miss me you know I'm just a phone call away." She nods her head and smiles at me. 

"I know mama. I'll be okay." She reminds me so much of her father. Her brown eyes melt my heart the same way that Terrell's does. I hug her once more then stand up. Terrell comes up from behind Nadia and grabs her, a mixture of shrieks and laughter fills the air and I can't help but smile. He kisses her and then hugs her. "I love you daddy. I'll see you guys soon." She says in her big girl voice and it puts a smile on T's face. He kisses her forehead and sets her down. 

"That's our girl, being all strong and independent at 6" He says as he stands over beside me. 

"Daddy, I'm almost 7!" She shouts at him, her arms crossed a small pout on her face.  I hid a smirk on my face as a look of shock displays on his. 

"Yeah and going on 18" he mumbles which made me bust out laughing. He turns and looks at me a smile on his face. " I blame you. She has your attitude." 

"Only makes her more precious to me." I say and he rolls his eyes playfully and then he scoops me up, causing a shriek of laughter to come out of me. 

"Alright Daddy and Mommy got to get going we love you Sweet Pea!" He yells over his shoulder as he carries us out of the house, with our suitcases. 

"Bye Daddy, bye Mommy." I hear our daughter's voice before the door is shut behind us. 

Terrell carries me to the SUV sitting me down in front of it. He pushes his body into mine, trapping me against the car, kissing me. I kiss him back, those same butterflies rumbling around in my belly as the first time.  

Being married to him has been the best thing to happen to me, and having our daughter has only brought us  closer. I work along side of my best friend, lover, and we go home to our beautiful family. 

"Do you think she'll be okay without us? We've been gone for a couple weekends but this will be the longest that we're gone without her. Three weeks this time?" I look over at Terrell who is focusing on the road. 

"Honey she'll be fine, Kiara is a good girl and I have Carlos on stand by for anything they might need on top of keeping them safe. Now stop worrying." He reaches over and grabs my thigh with his hand. I smile at him and look back out the window. 

"I just never want to make her feel like we're not there for her. I don't want her to feel how either of us did, you know?" I say as we let the radio be the only sound.

"Honey you are an amazing mother and wife, she will be okay without us. It'll be like a slumber party for three weeks straight. We can facetime her anytime through Kiara and if need too, you can leave Italy and head there to be with her. But I'm looking forward to having some uninterrupted time with my wife." He says keeping his eyes to the road but a smirk is on his face. I feel the burning in the pit of my stomach from his words. 

Maybe this won't be such a bad thing...

Faith Clarricoates * Sequel to Saving Grace*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant