Run Run as Fast as you Can

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When we got back to camp Noah was the only one awake and was starting a fire. "Hey you two, what were you guys up to this early in the morning?" he asked this folding his arms like he was Madison's father or some other intimidating figure to us. Madison looked at him in a What do you think we were doing pervert, kind of look and said, "We went hunting and brought back something that you might not get." I looked at her skeptically, "That's a pretty harsh punishment for him considering all the things he's said about us in the past." She nodded, "But he wasn't the one that found us that night we Didn't. Do. Anything." She said this glaring daggers at Noah, he wiggled his eyebrows. "That's it you little-" I grabbed her arm, "As Michael Scott would say, 'its a joke, not a rock, don't take it so hard.' That was a quote so don't think I would be so insensitive as to use that." She laughed and then Noah did hesitantly. "Did you really think I was going to hurt you?" she asked. "What?" Noah said, his voice very high. "You're a pretty good actor, let's say." I laughed and then Madison and Noah joined in. "Why are we laughing," Noah said in between gasps for air and laughing. I stopped suddenly. They tried to do the same and then we held it for about three seconds. then we all burst out laughing again. Then I saw something odd. I stopped laughing momentarily and nodded my head towards Melonie's tent. "Act like we're still talking, don't be obvious." Madison nodded and asked Noah, "So do you have a crush on anyone in camp?" Noah was obviously thrown by the question. "I kind of like Amy, but as a friend, I don't know." As they were thinking about that I walked to the tent. There was someone doing an awful lot of moving and the other was restraining her. I gripped a small part of the tent flap and motioned for Noah and Madison to come help. "When I rip this open, you grab Melonie and I'll grab who ever else is in there, got it?" They nodded in silent agreement. I counted down from three on my fingers and then ripped open the tent flap. Noah grabbed Melonie, and I grabbed the front of the other person's shirt and ripped him out. It was Isaac.

Melonie was out cold. "What the Hell was that?" Isaac yelled. "You're asking me? What were you doing in Melonie's tent, and Why is she unconscious?" He smiled at me then said, "I think you know, you gave her the most food, and I ran out yesterday!" I shook my head, "You should have told me, we have more, there's no need to hurt her or anyone for food." He shook his head, "You don't get it do you, I'm leaving. I don't want to be a part of your militia." I laughed in his face, "You think you're going to hurt us by doing that?" His face dropped its confident air, "Yes, you'll have one less man fighting for you, which will hurt your chances." I was still laughing, "You cant hit a five gallon paint bucket from 25 yards. Noah can hit it with a nine from seventy-five yards. Most can at least do fifty, you can't." The look of having a weapon against us was long gone, replaced with fear. "So are you going to keep me prisoner?" I looked at him, "No," a touch of hope lit up his face. "I'm going to let you run away,and if I see you in this camp again, I won't hesitate. Leave, and in thirty seconds if I can still see you, I'm taking a shot." A look of fear blew up his face and he started sprinting into the forest.

I counted thirty seconds and then shot into the air for some inspiration. "I think she's coming around," Madison said kneeling over Melonie. "Move her to her tent," I said to Noah. He laid her down as she came around. "Wha- Where- What are you doing here?" I looked her calmly in the eye, "Do you remember what happened before you got knocked out? Anything at all?" She nodded slowly at first, then faster as she remembered. "Yeah I had just woken up because I heard my tent zipper opening, when I turned around I saw Isaac and he hit my temple with something." I nodded, "Are you sure you're okay, nothing hurts to badly?" "I'm fine, really. My head just hurts a little," she said, "Can I get some ice?" I nodded and asked Noah to get some, "Okay, but I need to see the council about something later today." "Noah, we aren't called the council, anyone can offer their opinion, and anyone can show up," I said this and he nodded, "But that means I have to show up," He said this in a really whiny voice, so I laughed, "Life's tough, cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it, so get the ice!" He acted like he was crying and ran off, it made Melonie laugh. I shook my head and looked at Madison, "There's something wrong with that boy."

Jack slammed his fist on the table, "You let him go!? Why didn't you kill him, or cut off his hands?" I looked him calmly in the eye, "he didn't steal anything, and he didn't hurt her except hitting her on the head. It wasn't justified." He looked me straight in the eye, "He. Hurt Her. You don't know what it's like having someone you love being hurt-" "Don't you dare tell me what I don't know about, You don't know what happened to my family before the world went to shit. Don't tell me what it means to hurt." As this came over me Madison put her hand on mine. It was gripping the table so hard the cork was dented. "I'm sorry," Jack said, the anger slowly leaving his eyes. "I spoke out of anger, I had no right to-" "It wasn't your fault," I interrupted, "I got mad over the past, and you have every right to talk to me however you want, I'm your equal, not your superior." He nodded and held out his arm, I took it and shook once. Then he smiled, "That might have been the stupidest handshake we ever came up with." Madison laughed, "I've made worse, with several people." Just then Nick walked in, "Are you talking about babies, because then I'm leaving." Madison glared at him, "No we aren't talking about babies, and if we were mine would be beautiful." Nick tried to keep a straight face, he failed. "Can we get back to the end of the world here, hate to interrupt the maternity conversation, but we need to attack, soon." Jack pointed to a highway that ran to the white house. "Once we get into Washington D.C. it will be very hard to get around, so we need to ditch the vehicles." "We could send them in as a diversion," I interjected. "Yeah, so listen, we need to go, soon." I nodded. "I can make an announcement in the morning. All we need to do is figure out a transport list." "I'll get everyone to make a list of four others that they want to be stuck in a car with for ten hours," Nick said this and left to get the lists. "So guys," Noah said popping up between me and Madison. "You're gonna need a supervisor." He wiggled his eyebrows and I looked at him, "There will be more that us in one car, and besides, a list of people you want to be stuck in a car with for ten hours. I wouldn't mind being stuck with her, in fact I would downright enjoy it." I motioned to Madison and I saw her smile a little. "Bu- Wha- Whe-WHY!?" he yelled, mock crying again and ran out of the tent.

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