Ready, Set, Stop!

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Ready, set, stop!

 You had me going for a minute there,

Maybe even an hour, a day or 3.

No, more like 6 months if I can be blunt. 

That was a long time, I've been training for this and I think I can keep going, haha, can you keep up?  

Ready, set, stop!  

I almost went again, thanks for reminiscing with me while I wait.

The good ol' days are the best and most clear after you've been hurt.

I remember them clearly. 

Ill use this to my advantage! 

  Ready, set, stop!

  I'm sorry for how I've been, I kept thinking everyone or someone or maybe just me was ready, lets try again ok?

Maybe not so loud this time.  Ill still come out on top!

  Ready, set, break!

  The gun is fired and the racers are running, but I'm still stuck here waiting to leave my spot that you put me in. Oh, you've already left me behind. That was quick.  

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