Los Comadres (MAFIA AU)

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Samuel gets dressed and puts on his uniform. Before leaving he went to go pet his cat Ash, one last time.

"What's up Ash? Are you sad that I'm leaving? Don't worry buddy I'll be back later." 

BEEEP BEEP! The sound of a car honking frightened Ash and cause him to jump.

"Looks like I have to go. See you later Ash, don't cause any mischief while I'm gone." He patted Ash's head before heading out to the door."


'What's Angel in a rush for?' Samuel thought as he got inside the car.

"Dude you drag, Sargent Rosales is nag until the sun goes down. Remember, he called us in today for a very important meeting."

"I was saying goodbye to Ash, you should've seen how sad he looked when I was leaving. You can't blame me, his fur is SOFT!"


"Have I told about this amazing girl that I met 2 weeks ago?"  

"Yeah, you wouldn't shut up about her." 

"What do you mean I only mentioned her twice."

"Twice on the 5 minute drive it took to get here."

"You're just jealous that I'm not single."

"Hey, I'm happy living with my bachelor life."

"Are you forgetting about Ash?"


"Listen man, I support you with your decisions on becoming a crazy cat lady. You don't have to be ashamed about it."

"What's shakin' bacons?" 

"Oh hey Coffee, how are you?'

'I feel bad for her. What kind of parent names their kid Coffee Latte? Out of all the names in the world, they just had to go with Coffee.' Angel thought as Coffee was making some coffee.

"Oh you know the usual stuff, getting called into work at 7:00  in the morning. I really need some coffee otherwise I'm going to knock out right on the couch." 

"Can you make me some as well?"

"Oh uh...yeah about that there's only enough for one." Coffee holds up the clearly full pot.

"There's enough for two people, there's no way you're going to-"

Coffee pulls out a giant mug and pours the entire pot into the mug while staring at Samuel. 

"What were you saying again?"


Sargent Rosales storms in and slams the door shut.


"They fucking did it...they struck again..."

"Who did what? I don't get who you're talking about.."

"Los Comadres...They killed Officer Luis Gibson and left his head inside of a recycle bin. have you never heard about them?"

"Just to avoid them at all costs...but who are they?"

"Have you not watched the news? You don't pay attention at all clearly."

Angel stayed quiet and Samuel just thought to himself.

"They're a group of women involved with the Mafia...They're dangerous and powerful...so be careful if you ever run into one of them."

"Well whoever they are...we found some evidence of some dna. How many people are in the group again? "

"Since you clearly know nothing about them Angel, here's all you have to know. There's 7 of them all with different roles. Let's starts off with the leader because she is the only known member from Los Comadres."

"Valentina Xinhai,  is the leader of the Comadres. She's been reported as missing for 8 years. Her friends say they haven't seen or heard from her since then."

'Hahah you imbeciles.' Coffee yawned while listening.

"What about her family?"

"This is the strange part. All of her family is dead, each with similar causes. They've all been presumed as accidents or murder."

"Did she kill them?"

"No, but surely the assassin in Los Comadres did. The same logo was written in blood. I'm putting you three in this case, don't let me down or else I'll make sure you guys end up like Luis myself. "

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