Chapter 9: Too tiny for make-out sessions

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“What?!” I say.

“I’m kidding!” she says heading over to her closet. She opens the door and even though it’s a walk in closet, her closet is nowhere near as big as mine. “Do you care what you wear?” she says disappearing into her closet.

“No, it doesn’t matter to me.” I say sitting on one of her plush chairs. Her room was yellow with white furniture.

“Hey Sabrina? Can you come here for a sec?” I walk into the closet and she’s holding up shorts and a tank top. “What size do you wear?”

“A double zero. Sometimes a double zero is too big though.”

“Damn girl. Then my clothes are going to be way too big for you. These shorts are a four, that’s the smallest I could find.” I take the shorts from her and examine them. There was no way these would fit me. And the tank top would practically be a dress on me.

“You know what, I’ll just go to Braxton’s room and get something.” I say unlocking the door and heading towards Braxton’s room. I go up another flight of stairs and open Braxton’s door and he has no pants.

“Look at you Mr. Sexy!” I say closing the door behind me and locking it. I wrap my arms around him and we start kissing. Our tongues meet up and have a nice conversation. I break away and head towards the door that leads to his closet.

“Really?” he asks pulling me towards him.

“Braxton I need some clothes.” I say trying to get out of his grasp even though it was physically impossible.

“Why can’t you wear Elisha’s clothes?”

“She’s way too big for me. Babe come on I want to go bowling.” I say taking his hand and leading him towards his closet. Once we’re up there I think about how she called me a bitch.

“Has Elisha ever said anything rude to you in a playful way?”

“What do you mean?”

“Like you’re such an ass! Just kidding!”

“No, why?” should I tell him? What if she wasn’t joking? Will he even care? Of course he would.

“I don’t know. Just asking if she was that kind of person.” I say grabbing the tablet and typing in: shorts and tank top size zero. The closet transformed.

“Elisha would never say a bad word. She was raised strict.”

“Was?” I ask looking through the racks of clothing. I felt like I was shopping.

“Yeah, ever since her dad left her and her mom, her mom has been as strict as hell on her. Until, she died couple years ago.” I finally find clothes that look like they would fit me. I hate having to wear such small clothing. My body’s metabolism is so high, I can hardly keep food in my body.

“That’s sad that she lost both of her parents.”

“Yeah….. So, is that what you picked out?” he asks taking the clothes from my hand.

“Ya. I hope they fit me too.”

“I never realized you had such a small body until earlier today,” he says winking at me.

“Come on.” I say leaving his closet. I take off my heels once I’m in his room and throw them into his closet that he has in his room. “Mind if I keep these here?” I ask pulling down my dress. He was watching me from his bed. “Damnit! I don’t have a bra!”

“Go, get one then.” He says nodding his head towards his big closet. I go up to get a 32b sized sports bra and come back down. “You forgot socks.” He says laying on his bed laughing. I walk over to him, pull up his shirt and start punching his hard abs. “That tickles stop!” he gets up and now somehow I’m on the bed and he starts kissing me. We kiss until we hear a knock on the door. “Ugh, when we’re finally alone to kiss, we get interrupted.” He says “Will you get dressed please?” I get off the bed and he squeezes my butt.  I get the shorts on, which thankfully fit me and the tank top is a little big, but not too big. Someone knocks again and Braxton goes to open the door. Right when he does Elisha hugs him.

“Oh Braxton! What took y’all so long?”

“Elisha get off of me I have a girlfriend.”

“Oh right! Sorry! Those shorts look good on your skinny legs Sabrina!”

“Uh, thanks? So, you ready to go?” I ask looking into Braxton’s drawers for some socks that would be ok for me to wear and I find that he actually had a whole drawer full of my sized socks.

“I’ll carry you there Sabrina since you don’t have any shoes on.” I put the socks on and hop on his back. He darts out of the room at full speed and I’m seeing my life flash before my eyes. We go down two stories to the basement where the bowling alley was.

“What size do you wear?” he asks putting me on top of the counter where you get shoes.

“I have no idea.”

“Well, you are tiny so-“

“Guys! You left me back there!” Elisha says nearing us and panting.

“Anyways, you probably need a-“

“Oh I need a size eight please!” she says. Braxton finds a pair of eight bowling shoe and gives them to Elisha.

“As I was saying, you’ll probably need a size six or five. We’ll try the five first.” He tried the five on me and they fit perfectly. “We’ll get you some of your own like mine and my dad’s” he says pulling out a chest with a lock on it. He unlocks the chest and pulls out the most beautiful bowling shoes I have ever seen. They were white lined with gold and looked as if they have never been worn. He locks the chest back up and takes his shoes off and puts his gorgeous shoes on.

“Whoa Braxton when did you get those?” Elisha asks staring at them in wonder.

“About two years ago.” He walks over to me and lifts me off the counter. “Ready to get beat?” he asks picking out a gold ball. If you haven’t noticed, his favorite color is gold.

“Oh, you’re not going to beat me Mr!” I say picking up a sparkly ball.

‘We’ll see now won’t we? How much you betting?”

“A thousand.” I say.

“I say three.”

“Your loss brother. Remember if, I mean when I win, you will have to pay me all of that.”

“No problem honey.”

“Braxton remember that one time when we went bowling together and you won then it turned out to be a-“

“Yes.” He says sharply “I remember.” He says obviously trying to avoid the whole conversation.

“What happened?” I ask just curious. “You don’t have to tell me if it’s personal.” I say looking at the face Braxton was making. He looked like he wanted to kill Elisha right now.

“It’s nothing really.” He says running his fingers through his dark hair.

“Oh ya. Just a makeout session.”







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