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Chapter 2: Giovanni

April 17th, Thursday

3:00 pm

"Now get out of my room!", Juliette screams.

"Okay, dang"

I walk into my room and flip onto my bed. I'm so sick of being inside. I decide to turn off my lights, turn on my LED lights and take a nap.

             It started with a dark hallway. Nothing but a singular dot of light at the end of the line. Am I dying? I thought. It can't be. I look back to see if there's anything behind me. Nothing. I check my pockets. Nothing either. I slowly creep up to light. Hopefully I won't die. I keep walking and the light is getting bigger. I see all my family and my old buddy, Alex. I think I might be dying because I'm seeing all the people I love. Wait, do I still love Alex? I do miss him; too bad he moved to Oklahoma. I stop in my tracks, due to the fact I realize I might be dying. I then get jump scared by a dark creature. I fall backwards and keep falling. I land on a pillow of clouds and look down. My house, with my body in bed? Am I really dead? I feel something pull me up and drop me back again. I'm slowly gaining consciousness again.

I awake with a start. I somehow woke up crying, too. I run out of my bedroom and sprint to my bathroom. I look in the mirror. I am crying. No, it's fine, it was just a nightmare. I head back to my room and grab my phone. Should I text Alex again? No, no, he's probably busy. I head downstairs to grab some water and wipe my tears.

            I see Juliette standing before the sink, washing dishes. I open the fridge and grab a water bottle before starting to run back to my room.

            "Hey!", Juliette says, which makes me stop in my tracks. "Look at me."

"Yes, baby sister, whom I love so much?", I responded.

"Why are you crying?", she questions.

"Oh, this? I'm not crying, I just...washed my face."

She's not buying it. She looks at me the way mom looks at us when she wants answers.

"Gio, what's going on? Your face is all red and puffy."

"Okay, it's not a big deal but I just had a nightmare that got me worried about Alex. That's all.", I reply quickly, before deciding to head back to my room.

As I enter my room, I hear footsteps. Juliette is standing outside my doorway looking concerned.

"Gio, Alex moved to Oklahoma 2 years ago. Now, I know you guys had something and you still love him. Text him. You haven't talked to him in months.", Juliette lectures.

"I know, but he probably lost feelings already and won't want to hear from me. It's not worth it. Now get out of my room. I'm not in the mood to talk about this."

"Ok but don't come crying to me again."

          After I get some sense into my brain, I start packing. I don't have a list of what to pack so I take everything in my closet. 10 hoodies, 5 pairs of sweatpants and 8 shirts. I walk into my closet and grab the only nice pair of shoes I own. I'll take those, my sneakers and my crocs, along with 5 pairs of socks. That's all the packing I can take for today. I sit down and turn on Netflix.

          "Hmm...Julie and the Phantoms? This must be an old show. I guess I'll watch it."

          5 minutes into the show, I'm in love with this drummer, Alex. Wow, he's cute.

          "Alex, you're parents were never cool again after you told them you were gay."

          That's the line that did it for me. The fact that this is me having a crush on a fictional character is sad. I think I will text Alex. I miss him and he looks a lot like the Alex from the show.

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