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 Chapter 1 - Starving

How can they sit in front of me and eat.It looked delicious, my stomach was growling so loud I was surprised nobody stopped me to ask if my dog was alright. I started walking towards the door of the restaurant, nobody seemed to be there, or near the entrance for that matter. I had a crazy idea, but it was my best bet to prevent myself from starvation. I casually walked into the restaurant, people stared at me, but there was no need to wonder why or feel embarrassed, I was used to it and I knew why, first off there were my clothes; a ragged dirt ridden top, some ripped baggy jeans that were coated with a thick layer of grunge. Then my shoes, well...I didn't have any shoes, but my feet were covered in grit and blisters. Last of all my trusted hoodie, the thing that has kept me warm through thick and thin, it was stronger than my other clothes and made for harsh weather. Second there was my appearance; apart from the layer of dirt on my face, my hair was auburn and full of dirt, my eyes were dark green, my hands were also covered in dirt and my nails were bitten and abused.

 I went in the direction of a small two seated table, it was very shiny and smelt like pine needles. I saw a bulky looking waiter pacing towards me, 'Leave scum! Unless you want to be pummelled and thrown out by your hair!' A smirk crossed his face and he tapped his foot impatiently. A boy on the opposite table was listening to the impolite waiter scream at me, I got up and calmly walked towards the door before being kicked in the behind. OUCH! You son of a..., I started walking and saw that one of the windows was open releasing a heavenly scent from inside, I stood on my tiptoes and peered through the small gap, I licked my lips, it looked very appetizing.

I didn't realise I was drooling, wiping my mouth, I calmly turned my head both ways looking for sign of anyone that could be watching me, nobody’s around. I reached in the window standing on my tip toes, I could feel the warm chicken wings underneath my fingers, I groped at them wildly, but there was no use, they were out of my reach. I stood still for a while soaking in the luscious aroma, but then to my astonishment I heard footsteps entering the room, I immediately ducked and held my breath. There was humming and clanging of metal before the footsteps got further from the window and a door closed. I glanced through the window again, very aware of my surroundings, I looked at the surface, the chicken wings were not there anymore, the chef must have taken them to a customer. But then I spotted some leftovers in another window across but a little higher up, I couldn't reach the window on my own, I needed help, but from who? Just as the questions entered my mind a blonde boy was hastily heading my way staring right at me.

He walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder, 'I’m here to help!' I took his words as the truth and allowed him to help me, he gave me a boost up to the window, I could smell pancakes, my stomach growled even louder. I reached in the window once again, hoping for success. I grasped the surface and my hand finally disturbed the food, I picked it up and stuffed it into my hoodie, feeling greedy, I felt around inside for some more when a hand grabbed me, it was that horrible waiter again, he looked at me with a stare so cold my body almost froze, he pulled back, trying to drag me through the window, 'Help!' I screamed, but nobody seemed to hear me. The boy grabbed at my feet, but I was almost half way through the window, there were burns on my arms from where he was pulling, I spotted a knife on the surface near me, I grabbed it and plunged it right into his arm, I screamed as I fell back, blood on my hands, thankfully the boy caught me and almost fell doing so.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2014 ⏰

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