Wrong Order

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This has been in my drafts for so long, maybe it's time to let it see the light of day.

I'd decided to treat myself to a Monday off work, it had been crazy recently and I just wanted a day to do nothing. So far I'd caught up on sleep and had my hair cut, I figured I'd treat myself to a coffee and maybe check some emails. The day off was nice but I did struggle to switch off sometimes.

It was pretty busy at my favourite coffee shop so I decided to branch out and try the one I'd seen a few weeks ago that was hidden away on a side street. It was cute inside, kind of cramped but there was something old fashioned and charming about it. There was just one other woman in front of me which made a nice change from queuing. I ordered my usual and stood until they called it. I grabbed my cup and headed out the door it wasn't until I was half way down the street that I took a sip, I spat it out instantly, it definitely wasn't what I'd ordered. I rolled my eyes, I wouldn't normally bother going back but I really wanted a coffee not whatever this was. I spun round and headed back to the shop, I reached the door and was about the pull it open when a voice came from behind me.

"Let me guess you've got a green tea?" There was a slight accent to her voice I didn't recognise
"Is that what this is?" I turned round and smiled, "I thought it was pond water" I joked
She laughed lightly, "yeah yeah and what's this supposed to be, pure sugar?" She scrunched up her nose.
"I'd just give you this one but I think I spat in it" I confessed as we entered the shop.

They offered to remake us the drinks which was nice. We made small talk as we waited, apparently she always used this shop and it was normally perfect so I couldn't let this one mistake stop me coming back, it made me smile that she really wanted to defend the little coffee shop. I couldn't stop staring at her as she explained the benefits of green tea. I found my thoughts drifting she was cute, more than cute...beautiful. I decided there and then I'd have to visit the coffee shop more often if it meant I was going to see her again.

I was almost sad when my drink was ready, I wanted to be bold and ask her name or for her number but that's not really my style. I sighed quietly to myself as I walked out of the shop, maybe our paths would cross again.

"Hey..." she called after me, "I forgot to say my name is Wanda"
I turned to face her and introduced myself
"I'm kinda new to the area," she shrugged and bit her lip, "so I'm trying to meet more people...so maybe we could do coffee or a drink sometime?" She sounded nervous and I couldn't tell if she meant as friends or something more?
"Yes definitely" I sounded way too excited at the prospect, "I mean yeah that would be nice..."
"Here" she handed me her phone to put my number in, "I'll text you"

I didn't hear from her for a few days, I began to worry that I'd given her the wrong number or she'd felt sorry for me or something and had just been trying to be polite. Then it happened

Hey sorry I haven't reached out before now, work is crazy! How about drinks this weekend? W

I agreed to meet her on Friday night at a place I'd never heard of. Much like the coffee shop it was hidden away and quiet inside, I sat by myself for a while wondering if she was ever going to show up. 
I was day dreaming about nothing when she appeared at the table and sat down with two drinks
"I hope you don't mind but I guessed what drink you'd order" she said pushing a tall glass towards.
I took a sip, it was my favourite, lucky guess.

By the time the bar closed my face hurt from smiling  so much, she'd refused to let me buy a single drink. I still wasn't entirely sure if she had asked me on a date or if it had been just a friend making thing. I stumbled a little as I stood up. I hadn't realised I'd drank so much.

"You okay?" She caught my elbow with a concerned look. I laughed quietly trying to hide my blush, it felt like sparks where her fingers met my skin.
"Sorry just haven't drank for a while" I let her guide me out of the bar.
"Let me walk you home?" She asked once we got outside, "it's not far right?" I nodded not trusting myself to speak. All I wanted to do was ask her to kiss me but I didn't want to embarrass myself.

We walked quietly towards my apartment building, occasionally she checked I was okay. I was surprised she seemed so sober I was pretty sure she'd drank just as much as me. When we finally made it to my place we lingered in the doorway talking about the bar and how nice the drinks had been.
"Thanks for tonight" I looked at my feet trying to find some courage. She smiled and lifted my chin gently with her finger so I met her eyes.
"The pleasure was all mine... we should do it again?" She spoke softly keeping her eyes locked on mine. I nodded and gulped shifting closer to her. Time stood still and the air felt heavy between us. She inched slightly closer to me and I felt my lips part. Eventually we bridged the gap and our mouths met softly at first. Our kissed deepened and she wrapped her hands around my waist pulling me closer, I let my arms hang round her neck as she pressed her body closer into mine.

Wanda moaned quietly into our kiss as her hands roamed down over my ass. I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her into me more as my tongue pressed into her mouth. We finally broke apart breathing hard, she rested her forehead against mine.
"You can come in?" I said it without thinking, I wasn't usually so bold. She smiled kissing me again tugging my lip with her teeth.
"I would love to... but maybe we could wait until we're sober. You're pretty wasted" she laughed scrunching up her nose.
I began to protest but she cut me off with a quick kiss, "I'm keeping you upright as we speak gorgeous"
"You are not!" I pouted, I pouted even more when she let go of me and I did stumble into the wall. I rolled my eyes, mostly annoyed that she was right.

"I'll see you again soon...be safe" she kissed me hard again and then waited for me to disappear through my front door before she turned and headed back down the street.

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