Chapter 3: The Clones

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I had a really bad fight with my family, so here this is. It's probably trash.

This takes place before the Deception arc but after the episode where Lux is a jerk to Ahsoka and since that's after Umbara we're gonna pretend Hardcase didn't die there. He died in the Separatist base. 

Also the clones always play sabacc in the morning because I said so and I don't want to make excuse for them to be playing sabacc.

To say that Kix wasn't impressed with how Boil was reacting to losing sabacc was an understatement. Cody was staying calm as he was winning, but Boil was shouting insults left and right. His face was dark red with anger and some of the clones found his burst of anger amusing.

Suddenly, the door to the clone barracks flew open. What surprised Kix most was who was standing there, Obi-Wan. 

Obi-Wan always knocked and he looked tired. His robes had some blood on them, which raised the question: who's blood was that?

"Sir what—" Cody started, but was interrupted by Obi-Wan

"I—I don't know how to say this." Obi-Wan sighed. "The mission everyone went on went badly."

No one dared stop Obi-Wan from talking.

"Not everyone made it out." The Jedi Master revealed.

Everyone held in their breaths. 

Kix stepped up. "How many did we lose?"

"Five." Obi-Wan looked like he was on the brink of collapsing into a fit of tears.

"Who's the survivor?" Cody asked.

"Ah-Ahsoka." Obi-Wan choked on his words. Everyone could tell that he was doing all that he could to stop himself from crying.

Kix was frozen to the spot. Rex, Fives, Hardcase, and Jesse were dead. His brothers. His vod. "What? How? What? Why? What?"

"I don't know, Ahsoka hasn't woken up yet." Obi-Wan replied dryly. 

"What do you mean?" Boil demanded. They were all protective over their little sister, and wanted to know how their brothers died. None of them would go down without a fight.

Obi-Wan muttered something under his breath. "She lost part of her leg and, well, she has a few other injuries as well including a head I injury."

Several clones from the 501st and 212th stood up when Obi-Wan began talking. It seemed all of them were protective over Ahsoka.

"I just wanted to let you know." Obi-Wan said before leaving.

Everyone stared at each other for a while in the awkward silence. Everyone was processing the death of their brothers and really everything in their own way in their minds.

Kix had a guess on how his brothers would deal with it. Most of them would just punch all their anger and grief out, some of them would make jokes to cope with everything, others would deal with their feelings head on, and finally, a small group of clones would ignore their feelings altogether.

Kix knew that Boil would punch his feelings out but Cody would ignore his. So would Obi-Wan. Oh, kriff, why couldn't I just have to deal with the easy clones? Why couldn't people just deal with feelings in normal ways? Like, oh I don't know, therapy or just talking to someone? Kix growled to himself. No one ever listened to him or did anything he said was best.

"Everyone, continue doing what you want during our break." Cody said to everyone. "We'll have more information later."

And with that, most of the clones retreated to their bunks to sit in silence and mourn the deaths of their brothers.


Padme was beginning to panic. The Jedi had told the Senate that something had happened on a mission that Anakin, Ahsoka and a few clones from the 501st (I felt really mean writing that, but I don't know why) and there was only one survivor.

Who was the survivor? Was it Anakin? What if it wasn't Anakin? What if Ahsoka died? She was so young! A million thoughts raced through her mind. What if the person who survived died from injuries? Oh Force I hope all the deaths are all false deaths and everyone is actually alive.

It has to be, right?


Obi-Wan nearly fell to the ground when he got commed from the Halls of Healing. His hand fumbled over the controls and after a moment of failure to answer it, he finally answered the com. "General Kenobi here." He stated.

"We have some news on the status on Padawan Ahsoka Tano." Vokara Che said.

"Y-yes what is the news?" Obi-Wan could only hope that she was awake.

"Yes. She woke up ten standard minutes ago and has been asking for General Skywalker." Vokara Che was probably frowning. "I don't think she has remembered everything quite yet. You'll need to tell her everything."

Obi-Wan nodded, dread forming in the pit of his stomach. "I'll be there soon." Then, he hung up and ran as fast as he could to the Halls of Healing. His legs burned by the end, but Ahsoka had to know everything that she missed. And he had to know what happened.

Okay so this was really short (shorter than I wanted it to be) but I didn't know what to write and also I'm having slight writers block.

For the thing with Padme, she didn't say who the clones were really cuz I don't think she's as close to the clones as she is with the Jedi(I would say Anakin but that might imply that Padme is married to all the clones and that's not good)

Goodbye, and have a good rest of your day/night, or time on an alien planet.

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