Chapter 4: Bad Language

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Chapter 4: Bad Language


She stood their staring at us when we entered the room.

"How?" She just said

"You know what, don't tell me I don't want to know, I have heard enough people for talking today, so just let me talk." Chen and I nodded, now even afraid to say yes.

"As you may already know, Chen is part of the band EXO, and they resently lost, Kris, the member of EXO who was fluent in English, so we need you to teach Chen it. The times of your appoitments have already be organised, and so are your timetables." She passed a timtable to me and Chen. I was to start teaching him after school at 7:00 at night, and I was to come to the building for the lessons. She continued talking for a long time after explaining the other rules and things.


I packed up all my stuff into my teaching bag as the school bell sounded, I said goodbye to all the kids, and set of to my car. The school I was working at was pretty small, It was a public school, so it was nothing fancy, but with my year teaching here, you grow to love the school. The main English teacher walked next to me towards my car.

"You want to go out to eat some dinner?" She asked me. After school, we had made a routine of going out to dinner together.

"Sorry, I don't think that we can go out to dinner together any more."

"Why not?" She complained

"I now do private tutoring for a boy named Chen."

"How old is he?" She asked

"oh, I never asked, I would asume around in his very early twenties."

"So hes older than you?" She exclaimed.

"I guess."

"Why are you tutoring a man in his twenties, isnt that a bit to late to learn a language."

"Well aparrently he has to learn it for his job, hes in one of those boy bands, that thoes big companys produce, and pluse I get paid a lot." I said. I continued walking but noticed she wasnt following.

"What are you doing standing there, come on."


"Yher, I think he mentioned once their band was EXO. Why are they really famous."


"really, that's pretty cool." I said back nodding my head smiling.

"You have no idea how lucky you are Arissa." She tells me as I walk to my car.


I hope our lesson runs smoothly, unlike our first meeting. The lesson was to start in about an hour, and we were to meat in the room oppiste EXO's practice room. Chenyeol, Sehun and Tao were in the room with me and we were practicing the new choreography for our comeback. While taking my break I ran through the words in my head that I new in English. My knowlege didnt go that far, I only knew the basics, like hello and goodbye.

"What are some essential English words you need to know?" I asked Tao who was taking a sip out of his water bottle next to me.

"Fuck you" Said Tao in English

"Isnt that a swear word Tao? I am NOT going to say that to her."

"No, the swear word in pronounced Fook you."

"So what does Fuck you mean?" I asked Tao

"If you translate it back to Korean, it means that you are a nice person, apparently it is something when said in English, is very nice to hear when you first meat someone." Tao said nodding his head. Fuck you I said in my head again.


I went into the SM company building, and went straight to the room I was to be tutoring Chen in.

"Hay Chen." I said seeing him lean against the door

"Hello." He said in English

"Impressive." I said back in English, he croocked up his eyebrow in confusement.

"Soon hopefully you will be able to know what I am saying." I said, walking into the room with him behind me. We sat down at a circular table across from each other.

"So first, I need to test you on your knowlge of the Enlish langauge, do you know the alphebet?" I asked.

"I think so, but can we just go over it again, i think I am a bit rusty on it."

"Sure, repeate after me. A"




We when on revising the alphabet, for about 10 minuets. She said that I was pretty good at it which made me feel pround of myself, for remembering it so well since primary school. I liked Alissia, because she knew who I was but she still treated me the same as before.

"Chen are you listening." I heard Alissia ask.

"Yes" I said smiling up at her.

"Good, now continue to talk to me in english like this in the lessons, it will help with your pronounsiations, later I will begin to speek magority of my lessons in English Chen, so study hard, I don't want you to start falling behind. Chen and if you are struggling just ask for extra lessons and I will be happy to come down here and help you for free." She said too me. She was so nice. Oh, here was my opitunity to tell her that i thourght she was a nice person.

"Fuck You," I said will all my enthusiasm I could.

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