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3rd person POV

A/N: when Boruto and Sarada speak everything they "say" ← sarcasm, is just him thinking and reacting to what he sees or feel the only words they speak are each other's name and mama and dada. And I use military time so anything under 13:00 is am and 13:00 and past is pm 0:00 is midnight.

One year after Boruto's birth

      Naruto and Hinata are laying in bed with their little Boruto who is quietly sleeping. It is 11:04 when a sound starts coming from Naruto's phone repeating the same words

      Sasuke saying "Answer your phone dobe".

      Hinata wakes up and carefully shakes Naruto slowly sits up while rubbing his eyes trying to rub away his morning fatigue he looks at his phone, picks it up and answers " um w-what t-time is it" says a tired Naruto.

      Sasuke replies "it's 11:08 dobe me and Sakura are wondering if you and Hinata want to bring Boruto on a picnic with Sakura and me, we will bring Sarada so they can play with each other because Sarada has barely stopped crying ever since the last time they played together"

      Naruto looks at Hinata with his you up for it face Hinata shakes her head yes with a heartwarming smile "well be there what time and place but I'm bringing the toys" 

Sasuke tells Naruto the details and they all meet up 

      Sakura and Hinata make sandwiches for the adults, Naruto brings some jello for Sarada and Boruto to eat. Everyone is eating their food and Sarada looks at Boruto and sees red jello and dirt smudged on his face and giggles.

      Boruto looks at Sarada's smile and thinks "cute".

       then Sarada points at his face while still giggling Boruto starts to pout Sarada sees this and crawls over to Boruto and wraps her arms around his waist putting her head on his chest and sadly and apologetically says "Boruto" in her baby voice.

      Then a bird swoops down and steals Sarada's jello Sarada watched as the bird flew away out of sight. She then lets go of Boruto and starts to cry and sob Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke, and Sakura look over. As Boruto slowly stands up. Then Hinata grabs out her camera and starts filming Boruto and Sarada. As Boruto grabs the rest of his jello waddles over to Sarada and pokes her shoulder signaling for her to look up when she doesn't he softly placid his index finger under her chin and carefully directs her face to look at him, Boruto saddens at the sight of Sarada with puffy red eyes and a tear-stained face, Boruto puts on the famous Uzumaki smile and handed some of is jello to her they all saw Sarada's face lit up with a happy smile. Boruto and Sarada's parents giggled then they all gasped when they saw Sarada kiss Boruto's cheek. Boruto looked like the happiest little kid in the world and looked over to the parents with his face a light shade of pink and saw them filming he knew what the device did since he used it once and got scared that he stole his moms face and put it in a box but after that, he learned what it did. 

      His face then got bright red and fainted. Luckily Sarada grabbed him and fell with him. She climbed on top of him and placed her head on his chest when she did that little Sarada wrapped her arms around Boruto and fell asleep.

   They were never apart unless at the own homes or using the bathroom they started preschool where they were the closest of friends and held each other's hand and slept next to each during sleep overs and nap time, they hung out all the time manly alone but sometimes with others.

    Boruto and Sarada were an unusual set of kids; they are both strong for their age and know self defense but Boruto was better at the defense altho Sarada would never admit it.

    At their preschool during lunch, Boruto and Sarada decided to leave school and wander around. They were walking around until they were both pushed into an alleyway. They both looked at each other with the fear of god in their eyes. The man that pushed them started to speak "well well well look what we have here"

    Boruto recognized that voice and remembered something.



    Boruto and Sarada were walking thro the village when they were suddenly pulled into an alleyway they both were gonna scream but a hand was covering their mouths. The man pushed Sarada to the ground and picked up little Boruto. The scared little boy could smell the stench of alcohol on the man as the man was about to start sucking on the boys neck when Sarada screamed and scratched the man's eye. In pain the man struk Sarada pushing her to the ground in the corner of the ally where Sarada lande was a metal rod that went straight through Sarada's shoulder people herd sarada scream and went to check it out as people were starting to gather around the ally the man made a run for it. Confused, the people looked into the alley and someone yelled for an ambulance because they saw a little boy crying and hugging a little girl with a rod through her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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