Chapter 7

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a/n: Still don't own the characters, but the plot is all mine.

Draco's POV

Hermione tells them everything. For how we became friends after she discovered I had changed and got closer trough out Head duties. "The point is, we make each other happier." I tell them. She nods and Weasley goes ape shit. His face burns in anger and he starts yelling, but nobody listens to what he says. Weaslette come over to us and says they will deal with the weasel and come back without him later so we can talk more in peace. Hermione nods and gives her a hug. Potter goes to Blaise and asks him for some help with the weasel. So he stupifies him. Potter grabs weasel's feet and Blaise his arms. They walk out the portrait and girl weasel follows and says, "We'll talk soon." The picture shuts and leaves us in a comfortable silence.

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