if i could tell her ~ a miraculous short story

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Based off of "If I Could Tell Her" from the musical Dear Evan Hansen.

Story inspired by Cole Spoons' Miraculous Ladybug Animatic linked above, but with my own twist.



Marinette Dupain-Cheng had never felt defeat quite like this. It seemed that no matter how hard she tried, how many times she rehearsed the conversations, she could never seem to find what to say around her crush; Adrien Agreste. How was she suppose to stay calm around the most breathtaking, perfect human being to ever walk the earth? A famous model with a god-like complexion, not to mention the fact that he was so incredibly sweet. What could she possibly have to offer to him? He was amazing, and she had yet to mutter even one sentence to him without making an absolute fool of herself.

Yesterday was suppose to be the day. The day she would finally put her foot down and just have one normal conversation with him. No stuttering, no awkward hand gestures or stances, just calmly going up to him and asking him about his day. But of course, nothing can come that easily for Marinette. Not only did she nearly fall face first into him after tripping over her own two left feet, she couldn't get more than a few words out to him before Chloé Bourgeois made her grand appearance and dragged him out of sight, leaving Marinette stood there beet red in the face and sadly waving to him. With tears pricking her eyes, she knew in that moment that this crush was hopeless. Maybe she should finally just give it up.

What she didn't know was that Adrien Agreste was fighting his own love battle. For forever now Adrien has had one love, and that was Ladybug. Fighting by her side for the past few years as Chat Noir has allowed them to become closer than ever before, though he can confidently say that he has loved her since the day they met. But he knows that she is in love with someone else. Admittedly he was heartbroken when he first heard this news. He knew deep down that if it weren't for this other boy, he and Ladybug would be so much more than just friends. But he was respectful of her decision, and no matter how long he had to wait for her, he would always be there to love and cherish his lady.

However, recently he has began to question his feelings for his everyday best friend Marinette. They've gone to school together for awhile now, and seeing her while they hang out with their other close friends Alya and Nino has only given him more time to spend with her. In the process of trying to move on from Ladybug, he started to see Marinette in a new light he had never noticed before. Had she always scrunched her nose like that when she laughed? Since when did the color of her hair perfectly match her eyes? And why was it that when she came around his heart started beating just a little bit faster? Though, no matter how many times he wanted to try and get closer with Marinette, something always seemed to come up.

It's no secret that Marinette got very flustered around Adrien, but he never minded. That's just who she was, and Adrien thought it was nothing short of adorable. The way she blushed and tucked her hair behind her ears never failed to make him smile. He didn't know how or when he started to feel like this. One day it just... happened, and he hasn't been able to get her out of his head.

He had the perfect opportunity to talk with Marinette at school, and he still kicks himself for letting it slip away.


Adrien and Nino walked side by side towards their lockers and filled their bags with the textbooks that they would need for their next class.

Nino patted Adrien's shoulder. "Hey dude, I promised Alya that I would meet her at her locker a bit before class. I'll catch you in a few!" Adrien smiled and nodded as he waved his friend off. After shutting his locker door he walked in the opposite direction. He strolled through the hallway, savoring his free time before the period started.

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