If Lost Please Return to Bugs

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(I know this is cliche but it's too cute omigosh)

"Bugs! Let's go!" exclaimed Lola inside Bugs' car. "Time to go shopping!"

"Yeah but before we go," Bugs started as he got into the driver's seat next to Lola. He then brought out a white shirt and showed it to her. "Wear this."

Lola squinted her eyes to make out the words on the shirt."If lost...please return...to....Bugs..." she muttered as she read the words. She let out a little 'pft' and flapped her hand dismissively. "I don't need that! I'm a grown woman, I can make my way around the mall by myself without getting lost."

Bugs just looked at her with skeptical half-lidded eyes. "Lola, the last time we went to the mall, you DID get lost and it took me the entire day to find you. And when I did find you, you were passed out on the Kakey Bakery floor from cupcake overdose." he muttered as-a-matter-of-factly. "I had to carry you to the car."

"The cupcakes were just too delicious! You should try them, they are really to DIE for!" Lola gushed. "I didn't really like their mint flavored ones, but everyone's got their own taste. Still prefer the strawberry ones, though...We should go there again!" Lola's eyes lit up.

"Alright, we'll go if you wear this." Bugs once again brought the shirt within her field of vision, causing Lola to lean back hesitantly. "Mmm, I don't know..."

"We'd be wearing matching shirts~" Bugs spoke in sing-song, pointing down at his own shirt that he already had on, with the words, 'I'm Bugs'.

"Well...we WOULD look pretty good together...plus it would really go well with my new jeans." Lola rubbed her chin in thought for a few seconds, making a long 'mmm' sound. "...okay!" she finally agreed, smiling. "But just so you know, I'm not gonna need that shirt 'cause I'm not getting lost."

"Whatever you say, Lola." Bugs smiled knowingly.


"Excuse me sir? Are you Bugs?" a man in a security suit approached the grey rabbit.

"That's me." Bugs gestured to the text on his shirt.

"I'm here to return this." the man pulled out from behind him an upside down Lola Bunny, crumbs scattered across her face. "She was exceeding the free sample limit and refused to stop even after the clerks insisted. I saw the print on her shirt and saw you from afar." He dropped her on the ground with a loud 'oof!' and Bugs helped her up.

"There you are!" Bugs exclaimed. "And you were only gone for five minutes!" 

"Please take better care of your daughter next time, sir." the man told him.

"She's my girlfriend."

"Oh, well um..." the man cleared his throat in uneasiness. "I uh...I must be off, then. Good day to you." He said as he walked away with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well, would you look at that." Bugs smirked at Lola, hands on his hips. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I regret nothing." Lola grinned.

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