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The doors opens and you step out into a room filled with boxes. You expect to be swarmed by specters but find there are none insight. There is one lone Elsen who looks sickly.

You approach him. "Where are the specters?"

"I'm.." When his mouth opens to speak a strand of black drips from his lips. "I'm scared." His eyes begin to drip with the black and you take a step back. "Help me.." His eyes and mouth begin to leak and his head flings back. The black gushes out and you're fairly sure he no longer has a head.

The poor thing charges at you. Without hesitation you swing your bat into its body. Alpha shoots through its legs and it becomes a smoldering heap on the floor.

"Strange.." You whip your hands off and step over the body. That never used to happen when you were a child. You'll have to ask about it.

You descend the staircase into another room, this one has more boxes and you find a table with a note on it. Some where deep down you feel like the information may be necessary further down.

In these rooms you encounter a new specter. It looks like a rat in some sense. It's spine sticks out of its back in disgusting angles and its eyes leak the black ooze.

At the last paper note an Elsen guards the door. "I can't let you in.."

"I must pass. It's for this place's own good."

"Do you know the code word?"

You look at a small paper in your hand. It has numbers from each of the notes you found.


"Oh, that's right...I.." The Elsen coughs and black hits the ground. Not another one. "I can't let you pass," the black substance oozes out of his mouth and eyes. "I don't want to die!" The Elsen flings his head back and the black erupts from his neck.

You push yourself backwards from the Elsen and raise your bat. The man lunges at you and you swing at him. You cast him away just like the other Elsen and step though the door.

The small hallway leads you to an office. Inside a tall man is talking to some specters. His face is stretched tall and he has no hair. His teeth look like a naked mole rats, in the sense that they protruded directly above his white beady eyes and close together in an arch. He wears a large coat and no shirt underneath. He has on some pants which are tucked into his black boots. At the end of his wrists are two large hands with spindly fingers.

You recognize his attire as Dedan, the guardian of Zone 1. "Oi! You!" He stands from a large chair. "Get out! You're ruining my zone!"

"I think it's you who's ruining your zone."

"What would you know, little twerp. I remember when you were a lad, you always fucked everything back then too. You will always be a fuck up."

This presses a button inside you, flips a switch that should always be off. "I am not a fuck up!"

Dedan laughs. "Look, moron, next time I see you you're dead!" Smoke billows from the man and he disappears.

One of the specters shoots foreword, you are unprepared for the attack. The monsters jaws open wide and close around your middle. You let out a scream as the teeth dig in, you swing you bat down into it and it shrieks. This gives you enough time to stumble back. You hold into your side as blood leaks through your fingers and you put your back against a wall. The other specter races foreword and you raise an arm weekly to shield yourself. Alpha slices the specter in half and you slide down the wall, the ring floats close. It nuzzles against your chest and you touch it lightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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