The background of Aladir

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Araldir the wood elf prince of valenwood was to everyone a sweet boy. But nobody realised that sweet boy was the thing araldir was best at, illusion. Araldir was 13 when he found himself killing the rats in the palace Which he wasnt allowed to leave for the past 13 years. Slowly he got more and more connected to the court mage and the archer general. He got trained in the skills of archery and Illusion magic and most deadly of all, mind control. When he was 17 years old his mother noticed the darkness inside her son when she saw araldir mind controlling 3 rats to fight for his amusement. His mom heartbroken hired an assasin to kill her son, but little did she know the assasin would die. When the assasin entered Araldir's room Araldir mind controlled him into killing himself. The next morning when his mom woke up she saw the dead assasin hanging from the ceiling in her bedroom. She tried to scream but the last thing she saw was Araldir lifting up a closet and throwing it at her with his telekenises. After that no one saw him every again.

Aladir the Insanity princeWhere stories live. Discover now