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i get ready for school,wendy watches the kids while i go sometimes chase want them
i give them  a air kiss nd goa
at school i see tayler with his mates
tayler calls me tate  at school because every one knows me as tate.
'TATE' shouted tay.
i go up to him and he introduces me to his friends
i know joey because of his sisters,sophia and bella.
'heyyy tate the one and only tate mcrae'said joey
hey joesph birlem'i said laughing
'are you lot done 'asked tayler
we noded our head yes
he introduced me to his friends
'and bryce hall'tayler said finishing.
i looked him in the eyes before running away
i ran to the girls and started to cry
bryces pov
tayler intoduced us to a girl that is called tate mcrae.
as soon as i saw her i was shockedit was my sister,kayla,who i havent seen in years
i could tell she was upset.
back to ur pov
i told the girls what happen
'OMG IMMA SHOUT AT HIM'said kaylin selvin
kaylin is taylers ex but he is ok with it
'no' i replied
we got called into the principal office because there was a new girl
it was elle danjean
'elle ' i said angry and i walked out
tayler asked me whats wrong and i told him
tayler  told  bryce to take home
taylers pov
i saw kayla crying so i ask her  whats up and she told me about elle
i told bryce to take her home
i hate seeing her upset i just wanna kiss her
i went up and shouted at the principal'OMG WHY DID U PICK TATE SHE HATE ELLE EVERYONE DOES@
'apoligise now' he replied
'no iwill refuse to because she is dangerous'
i walked out]

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