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- Prologue -

Snow Academy, one of the oldest universities to ever exist in Germany. And one of the most famous as well, coming along with several stories tied to the history of this academy. Some come well, and some come.. with a terrifying side to them. The majority who enroll into this university were born into wealthy families, or perhaps the student was rich on their own. But, it's rare to see one of them who actually came to this place at their own will. It is usually the student's parents, who perhaps.. 'force' them to attend this academy. Despite the eerie history of Snow Academy, the guardians of these students continue to enroll their children into the university till this day. Mostly because, it gives them a good background check, if they had a bad one in the past. Or, if they just want a lil more to brag about on their family 'dinner dates' that come with tons of planning and of course, money. That all of these families have.

Now, do you wonder where the name 'Snow Academy' came from? And how it came to be the name tied to all of the.. 'mysterious' disappearan- I mean arrivals! Yeah, arrivals. I apologize for my mistake there with my words but yes, the arrivals to the grand Snow Academy.. every one of them having a memory, 'buried' deep inside every piece of land owned by this, university. And the employer's who continue to own this wonderful place till this day, keeping it running and.. alive, for all to see and hear. The new banners posted around the alley's and cracks of Germany, daily, for centuries and more to come. Announcing every new piece of scenery that comes from the payment of the students' helpless tuitions, that even the wealthy, struggle to keep up to date. The pain, and money draining from the families bank accounts, all going to just the Snow Academy alone.. wouldn't you think that would drive them to unenroll from the university? Well, that's what I seem to have thought as well but surprisingly, the families either go bankrupt and end up unenrolling out of pure bankruptcy, they become deranged and slowly end up doing horrific things to set life aside for the family, and last but not least.. well- you'll just have to take an educated guess for that one. Not even I am allowed to speak of such things.

What does the word 'snow' mean to you? Wouldn't the normal answer be, the cold solid that covers the lands in the majority of areas during the winter? One of the main symbols of Christmas perhaps? Well, to the Snow Academy, it means just as well to what anyone knows the word to be connected to. The winter! It is what the name came from, and continues to live on as. Mostly because the land that surrounds the Snow Academy is known to be one of the areas that receives the most snow in the cold season. And that is one of the main symbols of the university as well. It is how everyone in Germany knows the tales of the academy, all the people know what the Snow Academy is. And.. honestly, a big sum of the elderly you see in the streets of Germany attended the exact same university that your children are attending right now. Crazy, right? It is so dearly old, that the possibility of your grandparents parents actually attending the academy many years back is extremely high. This university will forever be a.. 'good' symbol to Germany and everyone who lives in it. Good I say? Well, let's see about that my lovelies. These words were almost.. tempting? For you to attend Snow Academy for yourself, right? I would take your answer with a grain of salt if you answered with a solid no. Because, as this tale goes on, you'll see your point of view begin to shift into something.. different. And that, will be what I am expecting to see, at the end.

- Chapter 1: “Acrylic Becker” -

“Hello. My name is Acrylic Becker, I am 19 years old and today is my first day attending the one and only, Snow Academy. Yup.. you heard it here first, ‘Snow Academy’ is not only the most FAMOUS university in my country.. It is haunted too? From what I heard by some random kids across the street from my house anyway. Might just be rumors though.. Who really knows to be honest.” He sighed, stretching his long arms out above his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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