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- Prologue -

It was almost midnight, the citizens were nowhere to be seen, and the streets were empty. Society was winding down, but for that few that were still out and about, the day was just now getting started for them. Oliver, is the name of one of those few people out at this late hour, but for a good reason. He was on a food run to the nearest grocery store, did ya think he would be one of those to party? Nope, Oliver is a college student that never parties. Crazy right? Who knew a person like that would exist.. I'm kidding, but this story will continue without this useless narration. Oliver's story will now begin actually, accompanied by the one and only Bus Boy, by his side.

- Chapter 1: "A Strange Greeting" -

Oliver was waiting at the nearest BRT station, waiting for one of the late night buses, one of the last ones to run at this hour. He was a person who absolutely hated human interaction, with a passion actually. That's why he was out so late to go shopping, because the less people there were on the bus, the more relaxed Oliver could be. It's even better when there is no one on the bus! Those were good nights, and very rare ones for Oliver to have, and his luck was not the best so you can see why those would be amazing.

Oliver sighed, pulling out his phone to check the time for the bus to arrive. "Jeez.. The bus is taking the longest it has ever taken these days, I'm getting impatient." He spoke softly, the misty fog in the surrounding air, as it was quite cold out and Oliver couldn't wait to warm up. No one was around except Oliver, it was unusual considering it was late and no one should be out anyway. But it's normal for at least a homeless person to be out, it was almost as if all the rest of the population disappeared.

After a few more minutes of Oliver mindlessly scrolling through his social media feed, he could hear the hushed sound of dampened tires hitting the roadside. His eyes suddenly lit up, sure enough it was the last bus for the night, Oliver was relieved to see it slowly turn the curb & come down his road. He swiftly slid his phone into his satchel bag, making sure he had everything he needed with him before finally stepping out away from the station, to make sure the bus didn't miss him.

He held out his arm, waving it silently at the bus that was now coming to a stop. Oliver sighed as the doors to the bus opened up for him, he didn't even think twice about stepping inside, the doors shut tight as he had gotten a seat towards the back. The roar of the bus's engine starting up again was just as loud as usual, as it began the soundly drive. Oliver heaved as he pulled his phone out of his bag, typing in his passcode to begin his mindless scrolling once more. It was oddly quiet, quieter than usual considering there were always at least 2 other people on the bus at this time. But there was no one, he looked around at all of the empty seats piled from back to back, it was strange but Oliver thought nothing of it.

After a few minutes of scrolling, and texting a few friends. He decided to slide his phone back down into his bag, it was getting boring & he knew this would be a long drive. Oliver began to rummage through his bag, hoping he had brought a book to read, and he did. He pulled it out and smiled softly to himself. "Well, at least this will be something to keep me occupied." Oliver mumbled, now opening the book to the first page, gripping it in his hands as he started to read the prologue. It was a bit difficult though, these lights on the bus were so dim, he had to squint his eyes & hold the page up to his face to even get a few words in. "Ughh.. just my luck, they really need to get new bulbs in here." Oliver groaned as he sat up in his seat, leaning his head back, and closing his eyes to relax.

Just as Oliver shut his eyes, he could see a bright light shining from above & through the skin of his eyelids. He opened them, raising a brow as he noticed the lights had gotten brighter, without a trace. "What the?- How did that happen?" He questioned, leaning over the seat in front of him to see if anyone else was around. And of course there was no one, just like before, a few minutes earlier. "That's creepy.. But these buses sure are old, there must've been a malfunction in the bulbs. At least I have some reading light now." Oliver spoke to himself, plopping back down into his seat, picking up the book once more to continue his read. He could see much better now, that helped enlighten his mood that's for sure.

Oliver was invested in this book, speeding through the chapters at lightning speed. Soon, the silence of the atmosphere was broken with a faint tapping sound, but Oliver refused to look up from the book. He just thought it was a noise from the outside, or maybe it had begun raining again, whatever it was Oliver didn't care. He wouldn't let something like that break his focus. The tapping was continuous, to be frank it was a bit irritating, and it indeed was beginning to break his focus. Suddenly the tapping stopped but it was replaced by a voice, a quiet voice speaking from across the seat next to Oliver.

"Psst.. you, what's your name?" The voice spoke, it was the voice of a male. Speaking to Oliver in a hushed tone. Oliver's body jumped, slowly closing the book, and setting it into his lap as he looked over to the mysterious person speaking to him so suddenly.

"Uhm, my name is Oliver. I apologise, I didn't know there was anyone else on this bus." Oliver replied, raising a brow as he stared at the figure sitting across from him. The person seemed to be a male, their back was against the window & their leg propped up onto the seat, covering their torso. Oliver's body shifted more towards the person, he could see they had a very distinct feature, their hair was quite bushy and their bangs covered their eyes. He couldn't see a single facial feature due to the very pronounced hairstyle they possessed.

"Oliver. That's a nice name you have." They spoke, their voice echoed throughout the nearly empty bus. They shifted their body too, their leg sliding off of the seat and back into the floor how Oliver's legs were placed. He could see their torso now, their clothes were plain, they possessed a black hoodie with some white pants that seemed to have some naturally done rips in them. And some light blue sneakers that looked very worn out & used up, Oliver couldn't tell much about them from that alone though.


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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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