Ferret Boy

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It was Saturday so breakfast moved slowly as no one had any classes to get too. 

Loads of students had just woken up so the exited chatter that usually filled the great hall was a low murmur of groans and sleepy voices. 

I shoved a piece of croissant in my mouth and begin to ask Maeve if she was going to enter the tournament since she was seventeen and it was the last day to do so. 

"Eh I don't know" She replied, picking up a strawberry on her fork. "Sounds like a lot of work."

"You would be so good though." I protested. It was true, Maeve was a powerful witch, I had total faith that she had the abilities to at-least do well in the tournament. Maybe even win.

Maeve ate the strawberry that was on her fork and then replied, "Thanks but don't you think it's too dangerous anyways?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, I just doubt they're actually gonna make it safe like they say." 

We continued eating and conversing when a blonde fourth year sat angrily across from Maeve and I at the table. He grunted as he started to fill his plate. 

Maeve and I looked at each other confused. Then I realized something. 

"Hey you're Draco aren't you!" I tried to stay out of younger year student affairs but Draco was an interesting boy. "I saw you turn into a ferret the other day."

Maeve snickered and I noticed Draco's eyes seemed to fill with annoyance. 

"God why will no one shut up about it." He mumbled at his food. 

I laughed into Maeve's arm in attempts to hide it but he noticed and got up angrily. He moved to the other side of the table and Maeve and I broke out laughing.

Our laughing was interrupted by a tall figure behind us. "What are you two laughing about." I realized that it was Cedric. 

He put down his plate of food next to me and sat down. 

I turn to him, "Remember that kid we saw get turned into a ferret yesterday?" I asked. Cedric nodded. "He sat across from us and I asked him if he was the ferret boy and he got all pissy and left." 

Cedric laughed a little shaking his head, "Well why would you bring that up?"

"I dunno! It's funny." I picked up a strawberry with my fork and continued eating.

Maeve looked toward Cedric and asked. "What are you doing over here Diggory?"

"Oh right," He said leaning towards Maeve and I with a slight smirk. "I heard that they are choosing the names out of the goblet tomorrow." Cedric looked happy with this information.

"Oh god." I sighed. Maeve looked at me, then at Cedric.

"Wait. Oh my god did you put your name in!" Maeve said. "Oh I totally heard something about that. Good luck then Cedric."

Cedric thanked her and the morning moved on. My mind was focused on getting caught up on schoolwork over the weekend but I couldn't help but also think about the names being drawn the next day. I was surprised to find that I was exited for it. 

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