-The Glade-

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When the girl woke up, she remembered nothing. She was on the floor of something that seemed like a box. She sat up and realized it was moving. She started panicking and banging on the metal cage she was contained in. She started screaming until her mouth was dry and her voice was hoarse. 

Her thoughts were running wild but she couldn't think of anything. She remembered doing things like eating a hamburger or going to a birthday party but when she tried putting  pieces of what the hamburger tasted like or who was at the party, everything fell apart. 

She decided to close her eyes. The moving metal cage couldn't hold her forever. 

She curled into a tight ball when the cage jerked. Her head perked up and she was blinded for a few seconds because of her eyes closing shut so tight.  After she had opened her eyes she was still surrounded by darkness. But not for long. A long squealing noise sounded above her. She looked up from where it was coming from and the cage on top was splitting apart like an automatic sliding glass door.

There was boys-teenagers varying from 13-17. The girl just now wondered how old she was. Again, thoughts came flooding in. How old was she? Why couldn't she remember her name? Where in the world was she? 

They all seemed in shock and awe. The majority stood with their mouths open. She turned her head left to right and one of the boys stood out to her than any other one. He was tall, skinny with dirty blonde hair. She couldn't help to notice that he was very handsome. She tried to take in information of what was happening but a boy jumped down in the box with her.

She squirmed away from him, for she was so scared for her life. What would he do with her? Then he started talking.

"A girl??" He scoffed. "First we get no shucking supplies this week and then you show up. I have a small suspicion that you have something to do with that." 

"the girl" as the boy standing in front of her had referred to her as was so confused by his vocabulary. What does shuck mean? She thought. But as soon as he started saying how she caused a problem, she felt her eyes go wide and she said something opposing to what the boy had just said.

"I had n-nothing to do with your missing supplies I swear."  She cleared her throat. Her voice was dry from the screaming and her trembling on words made her sound weak. She didn't want to appear as a weakling in front of these huge boys so she stood up and puffed out her chest a little to let the boy know she was strong. 

A ring of laughter spread through the crowd. She looked at them but directed her attention to the boy standing in front of her. A small devilish grin spread to his face.

"I like your courage. Names Gally and I run this shucking place."

A tall muscular Asian boy stepped beside Gally and started to angrily speak.

"Shuck it Gally, you do nothing while I run the place. You're the shank of the whole entire glade. My names Minho."

He extended his arm toward the girl. She did not want to look weak in front of him so instead of whimpering and hiding she brushed past his arm and climbed up to the grassy field where the rest of the boys were. Eyes were all over her.  She realized how loose her clothes were. A small, baggy tank top and very short shorts.

She quickly covered her chest with her hands but that didn't stop the crowd of teens come in closer and closer. Finally the tall and blonde boy she saw stood in front of everyone, spreading his arms in a T position, blocking the girl from the crowd.

"She just got her and she's half scared to death. Give her some bloody space before you start touching and eyeing her." He said in a hot British accent.

The  boy turned around at her and then motioned for her to follow him. She didn't want to face the crowd so she did as she was told. He opened a door to a hut that looked like it was just going to break. She hesitantly stepped in as the skinny blonde motioned to a chair.

He sat in one himself. Then he stuck his hand out.

Something about this mysterious boy comforted her and her hand met his. His skin was soft and it felt like they have been working a lot. 

"My names Newt. You are living in the Glade for the rest of your life and I'm sorry to say but we are never ever getting out of here."

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