when your on your period

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Pico 🔫

- he doesn't know what to do at first

- he cuddled you

- pretty much dose whatever you tell him to do to make you feel better

- he is nervous to buy you pad cuz h is a guy

💀Cassandra 💀

- she know the feeling

- she gives you a heating pad for your stomach

- buys you painkillers

- she isn't nervous to buy you pads she always says " fuck'em people I don't care" and leaves

🔪 Nene 🔪

- she tells you story's to forget your pain

- she will make you angry but she didn't mean to

- and lastly she always has pad with her so no she don't have to go out

pico school bf / gf scenario DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now