Double date

28 3 6

Bricky and I were on a picnic date. She was looking so breathtakingly beautiful. I can't believe I got so lucky to be dating such a charmer.

We were looking into each other's eyes. I leaned and kissed her. Fireworks started in my stomach. We've kissed so many times but it feels so fresh and dreamy every time.

"Jasoooon" Will sang.
Ofcourse he has to interrupt.
"Yes Will?" I was annoyed that he ruined the moment.
"Ciao Jason"
"Hii Nico"
"We can have a double date." Nico suggested. "Hmm..that's actually a good idea." I said.

We spend the day together laughing and chilling. I was so glad that someone truly understands my love and doesn't make fun of me.


Don't we all love brason and solangelo ♡♡

Brason || Start of something beautiful Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя