Before the story thing yes

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Bare with me bare with me

I know I died for ages

I know that you probably don't even know who half the people in this fanfic are

But that's okay

We can move past that

I just wanted to mention:

The Gizzy in this fanfic is from Season 6 of Minecraft Purge (purely because he is one of the angstiest iterations.)

The Sabre in this fanfic is from Steve Saga, when the rainbow town was a thing. I WOULD do Rainbow Quest, but I haven't actually watched a great deal of it and I don't feel like I'd get the characters right.

Ah, yes, one more thing:

I'm rewriting "Return". I'm changing things I don't like about it (for example, the self inserts and over complicated crossovers and stuff. Also the messy writing HAS TO GO) and I may even do more with the story.

That's it from me, now I can get to writing this trainwreck.

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