I'll find out

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Edward and Alice walked to the side door half way across the lunch room while me, Emmett, Jasper and Rosalie stayed seated.

"Ohh, she's gonna get it" Emmett said while grinning, Jasper glared at him. They both looked really intimidating. While Rosalie stared at her reflection with sadness.

What's wrong with her?

A few minutes later, I finished eating and was going to ask Jasper if the worksheet was homework if it wasn't finished. But he was concentrating on something, his head tilted toward Alice and Edward.

"Can you hear them?" I asked stupidly.

Of course he can't there half way across the lunchroom and there's like 100 other people talking

Once I asked, Emmett and Rosalie's heads snapped to the side to look at Jasper. With warning and disapproving eyes. Like he got caught.

That's weird. Why are they looking at him like that?

"No" he answered, quickly getting up and throwing his lunch away, though he didn't eat or drink anything, now that I think about it none of them did.

"He won't hurt her, will he?" I asked. Edward didn't seem like the type to hit girls but yet again neither did my ex.

"Nah" Emmett said not concerned, while Rosalie put on lip gloss.

Really? What's the point she doesn't NEED it. I rolled my eyes at her.

"He better not" Jasper said while sitting down. It was kinda scary but he didn't seem that worried that Edward would actually hurt her.

I wonder how long they've been dating. He's so protective. But confident that she can take care of herself, if needed.

I looked over to see Edward glaring at me and Alice trying to get his attention. I looked away quickly, my heart beat rising and warmth rushing to my cheeks. I stared at my tray till I was sure he wasn't looking at me any more, I look up and Jasper was rigid in his seat. It looked like he was in a lot of pain. And I was sure his eyes were a tone darker.

How in the...

Alice & Edwards Conversation

"Why is she sitting with us" Edward growled.

"Because I asked her too" Alice answered calmly.

"Well I gathered that. I mean WHY?" Edward raised his voice on the last word.

"Because she's new" Alice answered. Edward narrowed his eyes at her, obviously not buying it. Alice sighed "OK, I saw her coming the other day when you and Em were hunting and I figured their was a reason I saw her"
A girl (Bella) at the school, flash the store, flash her house, flash her bedroom, flash our house, flash the woods scared. FLASH=SCENE CHANGE
End of Vision
"See. I was confused about why the setting kept changing. I was hoping that you could get inside her mind and search for something that might help"

"Fine, I'll try" Edward closed his eyes and tried to focus. His features changed from surprise, to confusion, to angry and settled in frustration.

"Edward, what's wrong?"

"I can't hear her." he said pulling his eyebrows together tighter still trying.


"I can't read her thoughts, I hear nothing, absolute silence." He growler frustration "What the hell!"

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