omegaverse oc

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Name: Sapphire

Reason for name: his parents thought he was going to be a girl and right after he was born his mom passed out and his dad choose the name

Age: 18-19

Birthmonth: September

Gender: male

Sex: male

Sexuality: gay

Blood type: o-

Addictons: vaping, sex, people, his master

Spices: fox neko

Secound gender: omega

Family: mom: dead, brother: alive and protective, dad: drunk idiot bitch jerk ass mother fucker

Friends: brother

Position: bottom

County: doesn't know

Hobbies: reading cooking baking

Likes: his boyfriend and what he likes

Dislikes: people insulting his master

Backstory: His mom was his role model where as his dad was a jerk and a drink bitch, one day during a fight he broke a glass bottle and he stabbed her in the throat he couldn't call the cops because he would be separated from his brother

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2021 ⏰

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