thirty six

475 32 21

jisung felt his stomach twitching in worry as he drived in seoul's quite busy and crowded streets as fast but at the same time extremely carefully as he could. his eyes were slightly squinted due to the sunlight falling right on his irises and his hands were sweaty, roughly gripping on the stirring wheel, his knuckles turning white from the tension.

the boy had luckily managed to locate minho and he was only some minutes away from the older boy, however he couldn't stop feeling really concerned about him after the last messages he exchanged with him. jisung didn't understand what minho was talking about but seeing the older male almost panicking, he could imagine that whatever was happening to him was serious.

the blue-haired male let out a shaky breath as he had finally arrived at the location minho was at and instantly parked his car and got off the vehicle, ready to go find the older boy. thankfully, he knew exactly how he looked like but minho had no idea who he was which could be a problem.

if minho wasn't in the right state of mind the moment he met jisung, it would be really difficult for the younger to manage to approach him and calm him down from whatever was happening to him.

jisung could only hope that minho was okay and sane enough to trust the younger and go with him back in the car.

the blue-haired male pulled out his phone when he felt it vibrating in his pocket, signaling that he had arrived at his location. however, when the boy looked around, he couldn't find anyone. he was alone, the only other living being around being a small stray cat meowing at something behind the trash bin.

"where is he?" jisung muttered anxiously, trying his best to keep his worry inside, not wanting to go into panic mode yet. minho was right there. he had to he there. if he wasn't there then something bad had definitely happen to him since his phone seemed to still be located at the area.

the loud noise coming from the cat near the trash bin suddenly brought jisung back to his senses, attracting his attention to it. the feline looked like it was trying to talk to jisung, inform him about something but the boy wasn't able to catch on of course. he couldn't understand what the cat wanted to tell him because he had never interacted with a feline before so he didn't really know how they acted.

"what?" he asked, slowly walking towards the small animal. the cat meowed again and disappeared behind the trash bin. jisung followed it, walking behind the trash bin as well but once he turned around to look for the cat again, he realized that he wasn't alone anymore. there was another person there, curled up against the wall with their head buried between their knees and their arms tightly hugging their legs to their chest.

jisung's eyes widened in realisation and a loud sigh left his lips. he had finally found minho. or at least he hoped that the person sitting there was minho.

the blue-haired male kneeled down in front of the curled figure as quietly as he could, trying not to accidentally scared them. he then slowly placed a hand on the person's knee, softly caressing it with his fingers. "minho?"

the said boy flinched and tightened his arms around him with a soft whimper escaping his lips. jisung gulped, not knowing what to do and why minho had reacted that way. he looked so terrified..

"hey minho, it's me, jay." jisung tried again but this time, the older boy in front of him seemed to freeze for a moment before hesitantly raising his head slightly and locking eyes with the younger. his eyes were watery and puffy and his cheeks were covered in fresh and dried tears. jisung's heart almost broke in half at the sight.

"hi min, i'm here now." jisung smiled and placed his hand on minho's head, ruffling his hair softly. the older boy melted at the touch and a quiet giggle left his lips as he leaned closer to the younger boy. "you like that?" jisung chuckled and continued caressing minho's head when he received a nod from the elder.

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