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The definition of pure innocence.

The world is a better place with a girl like Mia rose in it.
A kind soul, always trying to help others. A sweet smile, hoping to make someone's day better. She was perfection.

The little girl was now running around the garden, chasing a butterfly, giggling.
She was as energetic as a bunny and loved to explore

"Rose hunny, it's getting late come back inside" mama esme called.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she whispered to her new friend.
Rose ran back inside and quickly washed her hands ready to start making her famous trifle cake.

'The moon is up, the night is hazy
Let's get lost in the shadows
Somewhere we can g-'

The door bell rang interrupting her from singing. It must be papa she thought. "Mi amor will u get the door please" her mother yelled from upstairs.

Quickly she ran towards to door and was happily greeted by her father dearest.

"Oh papaaa Your finally home I've missed you a lot today, I even went to the garden and made a new friend her name is Jenny and sh-" she rambled on and her father looked at her with adoring eyes and listening to her carefully.

He truly did love her a lot and would do anything for his little angel. He was even more protective of her after the incident.


After feeding everyone cake, rose went back to her room.

Later that night rose changed into her panda night suit and was in bed cuddling with mister Bailey, her stuffed panda

Later that night rose changed into her panda night suit and was in bed cuddling with mister Bailey, her stuffed panda

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"See mister bailey I told you it's not a boring movie. I would have never made u watch it if it was" she told her stuffed toy with a look of victory. The girl was actually obsessed with pandas.

"Honey can we come in?" She heard her papa ask as she got done with her movie.
A big grin brought its way up to her face.
"OF COURSE COME IN COME IN" she loved her parents a lot but there was no doubt she was a daddy's girl.

"Hey hunny" her dad returned a sheepish smile.
"Hi papa" she giggled.
"hey I'm here too" her mother whined. "Hehe hey momma didn't see you there" she got up and hugged her mom. She loved her mom a lot too.

"Dear, the company is hosting a formal dinner this weekend since our boss is visiting. It's a family event and I would like it if  we all attend" her father exclaimed.

"Really!?" The excited little girl couldn't contain her excitement. Her parents wouldn't usually take her to events like such, so it was a big deal for Mia .

"Yes dear, you can go down to the mall tomorrow and buy yourself something nice to wear alright?" The little girl just nodded planning about what she's going to wear.

"But Mia if you aren't comfortable going just say it
cariño, we don't want to force u into anything" her mother said in a concerned voice. She knew how shy and scared Mia could get around a lot of strangers and her daughter was her top priority.

"No no mama, I really want to go and besides you guys will be there too right?" She looked down fiddling with her fingers suddenly nervous. "Of course baby we will be there" her parents gave her a reassuring smile.

Her parents soon left her room after telling her the date and timings for the event.
She quickly texted E, telling her that they need to go shopping tomorrow.

Not long after Mia rose fell in a deep slumber where her dreams were filled with pandas and dresses.

Hey guys, it's my first time writing a book and idek what I'm doing here but I'm bored and thought I'll give it a shot.

Hope y'all enjoy and Like them if you did! Thanks xoxo

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